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Shawn Meyer

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Everything posted by Shawn Meyer

  1. ^^See you guys are asking about it now, but when I asked everyone skipped over me on page 5. Yes I'm quoting myself to prove that I asked this question.
  2. I'm thinking these cars will be tracked so people don't drive their car off the course. You never know what people might try to do.
  3. Yes you did dude! You deserve a big giant cookie from Insomnia cookies. We have that up here where I live in Akron and Kent Ohio. Anyway though, I'm excited about this move from Kings Island. In my opinion this will bring back childhood memories for me. I remember when I was younger, I used to beg my dad to ride the Les Taxi's so I could have a taste of what driving was like. Well now I drive all the time, but that's irrelevant here. Anyway, the one thing I'm wondering now is once Halloween is over with, do they tear down certain buildings to make it work? Like I'm confused of what building is what in this google earth image here. I know on the far left is where they normally have one of the haunts, but after that I'm lost. I'm also disappointed they didn't mention if they were giving Racer some tlc or not. I'm sure they'll do the regular track maintenance like they normally do every year, but like others were wondering are they giving Racer a new paint job at all? I guess we'll find that out on a later date.
  4. I can't make it tomorrow either dude. Hang in there. My guess is maybe they're doing two things next year. Maybe Racer is getting the refresher that everyone on here is guessing about on here as well as getting the antique cars back. I know my sister will be doing cart wheels if they announce Racer going backwards again.
  5. I love the animation that you made here. Just curious, is your design using Topper track?
  6. ^ I just hope they keep the theme of the drummer guys on the last lift hill. That's been there since I was a kid. I would love it if they brought back the fog that interacted with certain parts of the ride.
  7. What I meant is, keep the layout the same all over. Don't do anything fancy to it, just add topper track if that's the route they're going. Blondyrideon, you might be onto something here. Maybe they'll just give it a little tlc in the off-season. I think they could just paint it up real good and it would look brand new again.
  8. Wow! This is something we'll really have to dig for.
  9. Mercy health is based out of Canton, Ohio. Awesome they went with a hospital chain close to me.
  10. I'd be happy if they repainted Firehawk because it's showing a little bit of green paint from the Geauga lake days. That should be part of their focus for 2019.
  11. ^ Yeah you're right. Ok let's put the Giga in the dinos land and add a Floorless somewhere in the park. I just want Kings Island to get a B&M Floorless someday.
  12. If Racer is indeed converted to topper track, please God don't let them do anything to ruin the ride experience. What I mean is they don't need to put in corkscrews like they did with Colossus at Six Flags magic mountain. it's a classic so it needs to keep that classic feel to it so keep the layout the same, but if they want to go ahead and add the topper track to it so be it.
  13. To answer the question of this thread, hopefully a B&M Floorless roller coaster.
  14. I'm still not sure where I'm looking.
  15. I hope people start coming to Kings Island soon. I would hate to see Cedar Fair go bankrupt because of the low attendance season we're having right now.
  16. ^ I don't know. I feel like they would go after the Reds rather than the Bengals being that they already have a Reds themed restaurant in rivertown. That's my opinion though. By the way, I'm sure you read my posts before, but I'm also a Colts fan and I live here in Akron, Ohio, which is browns territory.
  17. I saw this discussed on a thread on Pointbuzz.com in a similar topic. One guy said that why not reconfigure the trains on Rougarou and make them 3 seats across so that way you could use the vest style system on that particular ride. Another topic I mentioned was that they could spend the money again and fix the parts of the layout that cause head banging. Maybe take out the corkscrew at the end of the ride. Maybe take out the mid-course brake run because the trains fly right through it anyway. Yes If Kings Island gets a B&M Floorless coaster someday, maybe they could make a layout similar to Dominator at Kings Dominion. The trains on Dominator are similar to Rougarou, but there's no head banging because the curves and dimensions of the ride are more spread out than Rougarou. I know Kings Island has room to work with so they could make it happen. Plus I can see them breaking world records if they wanted to too.
  18. I hope one day that Kings Island gets a B&M Floorless coaster. That's the only thing I feel is missing between the Cedar Point and Kings Island. Cedar Point converted Mantis to Rougarou and now I'm hoping that one day Kings Island gets one next.
  19. Anybody ever heard of a ride called Revolution at Dorney Park? I think Kings Island could put one of those type of rides in someday.
  20. I would be so happy for Dorney Park if they were to get something new for once instead of some other parks hand me downs. That park has so much potential and it's sad that hardly anyone visits Dorney Park. As for Kings Island, maybe they'll finally get Les Taxi back.
  21. I think what Kings Island could in the spot of Vortex; if it gets removed in the future is a nice B&M Floorless roller coaster like Rougarou at Cedar Point. Maybe this time for them, they could introduce a vest restraint style system and be the first park ever to get a Floorless with the new restraints. Some people are going to bash me, but I'm a huge fan of Rougarou at Cedar Point
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