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Shawn Meyer

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Everything posted by Shawn Meyer

  1. Maverick00, are you on Pointbuzz? Just wondering since I just recently joined this site. That's awesome that I know someone else on here Anyway though, I think that would be cool seeing a dive machine at Kings Island.
  2. I keep hearing a rumor every year that SOB will be torn down and a new Inverted roller coaster similar to Raptor only taller would be built in it's place. Even though this is a rumor, I like this rumor. You could have an Inverted roller coaster next to Top Gun(Flight Deck) and have it go around or close to Flight of Fear. That last sentence was a fantasy in my head, don't take it as something I heard.
  3. Thanks guys. I had a picture of Diamondback from the first hill a couple of years ago, but deleted it because I thought it was blurry. I wanted to redeem myself when I come down in a couple of weeks to take a new picture, but I guess I'll have to wait until they fill that building with something new.
  4. Hello Everyone, just wanted to welcome myself. My name is Shawn as you can see in my screen name. Anyway on to my first post. I know that the Crypt is closed as of this year, but I was wondering if I can still go through the exit of the Crypt like past years to get a picture of Diamondback's first hill? I was able to do this back in 2010 when I last went, but now that the crypt is closed, I was curious If I can still enter in that area to get a picture.
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