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The Forsaken

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    Haunting...need I say more.

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  1. Although the plans/ideas look good...I'm trying to figure out how in the hell this is considered a "capital investment". KI really has some strange accounting practices. I don't know if it's been mentioned but I hope they offer a good Turkey leg! That and the reindeer have me excited.
  2. Another "capital expenditure" on the way...hmmm...has anybody looked around the park yet other than Rivertown? Even something as small -relatively- as MT started to drop construction clues months ago. A "capital expenditure" is the acquiring or maintaining of fixed assets...which could be justified as anything within the park. Maybe Rivertown will get a complete off season rehab complete with a GCI/Beast retracking.
  3. I highly doubt it's anything BUT just a themed portion of track with lighting, sound, and maybe some video projections/mapping. The fact that this ride does not have a MCBR tells me that the park wouldn't add anything to the ride that could slow down its capacity. Stopping a train completely to present a small show with a drop track effect is illogical given how much time that eats up in capacity. The only way I could see this happening is IF they sent out a train up the lift hill (which might explain why it's SO SLOW) the moment another train enters the shed. But that would mean they only plan on running two trains. So, don't expect much. Just a cool dark spot of the ride with some light theming elements...nothing to crazy.
  4. I wonder if "so bad it's good" applies here. Also, this kind of tells me that the park has zero integrity. I'm passionate about Halloween and haunt events/attractions, if the park is just using this time of year as an excuse to just extend the season and go for as much money as possible....it's awfully shameful. KI has yet to figure out that you CAN produce a top quality show -that makes the haunt and horror enthusiasts very happy- and STILL draw the massive crowds. But its as if they don't care...or don't know how. If anybody at KI that reads this and is in a position to make changes...HIRE HAUNTERS TO DO HAUNT! But again, integrity. Oh well. Not sure what your business is here , but basically putting sam and everyone down here is not welcome.Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk First, I don't care. Second, not really putting anyone "down". As I stated, I've worked with Sam...he's a great guy with a genius mind for theater/stage production. The point being..."haunts" are NOT stage shows. It takes a "haunters" brain to figure what works, how to design it, how to fix it, train the staff, and -in their blood- knows what truly scares people. I free to express my opinion about the event whether it'd be glowingly positive or ungodly negative. I visit around 170 haunt attractions a year and work the industry professionally (full time); so I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about. I try to point these things out in hopes that SOMEBODY that makes decisions at KI can see it and maybe consider making changes or being more involved. My hope is that one day KI will, once again, have a fantastic haunt event that is terrifying and fun. I go to Haunt every year hoping to see this change....although in the last 10 or so years nothing has helped change my mind about it.
  5. I don't know if this has been thrown out there...but if a change happens, here's ONE thing I'd like to see: Let's change the first drop...big time. What I'd like to see is the first lift hill extended with it's current degree of rise (I don't know what angle of degree The Beasts' lift is), but let's just keep going further with it maybe another 20'-30'. What this would do is 1) obviously make the first drop taller and overall make the ride faster -and- 2) create more of a "near vertical" first drop. Since we extend the lift hill out further it would have to compensate the first tunnel by making a much steeper first drop. I think this would be amazing. Just an idea.
  6. I once worked with Sam...great guy, excellent theater mind. BUT....haunt attractions aren't like stage theater. Yes, some aspects are shared....but he isn't cut from the cloth of a great "haunter". As someone who works in the haunt industry and attends the tradeshows every single year...I'd be happy to see Sam walk the floor, take the seminars/classes and start REALLY working on a great haunt. #KIneedsHaunters
  7. I wonder if "so bad it's good" applies here. Also, this kind of tells me that the park has zero integrity. I'm passionate about Halloween and haunt events/attractions, if the park is just using this time of year as an excuse to just extend the season and go for as much money as possible....it's awfully shameful. KI has yet to figure out that you CAN produce a top quality show -that makes the haunt and horror enthusiasts very happy- and STILL draw the massive crowds. But its as if they don't care...or don't know how. If anybody at KI that reads this and is in a position to make changes...HIRE HAUNTERS TO DO HAUNT! But again, integrity. Oh well.
  8. We can call 2015 a haunt? They had haunted attractions? I was there on multiple occasions and this is news to me. KI really needs to step up their game in a market where regular park goers KNOWS better haunts in the area. Always a shame.
  9. I call B.S. Anybody in the entertainment industry understands the importance of telling a great story. Creating exciting content for haunts are particularly fun and -somewhat- easy. This was just a lazy change with zero thought put into it. How about..."Ms. Killjoy's School for Girls", "Kill-U", "D.O.A: Delta Omega Alpha"...etc. etc.
  10. Sorority House...Ki's creativity strikes again! LOL.
  11. TromaKing, Thank you for extreme honesty and openness for an opinion. I know sometimes 'context' is almost impossible to read through on an online forum...but you got it 100%. I am fully aware that my visit to Haunt was EARLY in the season and that some of the actors may still be learning their craft. As it was my one and only visit to Haunt, I could have only expected the best. I surely hope people from KI are reading this and taking notes on things that need fixing. Actor training for haunts is one of those things that can easily be messed up. If the proper time and training is given, by the right instructor, it can totally makeover a haunt. The actors themselves are the ONLY saving grace of KI's Haunt. Most of my critiques were in the design, operations, and detailing of the shows. I'm completely confident that by now the actors have "set in" their characters are have figured out what works. Have a great season...scare the hell out of people! =) As per the makeup...I understand the role this attraction plays within the scope of the event. However, to be truly gory and disturbing, less is more. What I would do is design specific "looks" for each character that involves properly distressed and stained costumes, dirt/grime makeups, conservative blood splatters and realistic "spattering", and maybe more "wearable faces and animals heads". I'd also fabricate a troupe of "butcher masks" that had gore on them...like, the extreme of the extreme guys that slaughtered for fun and pleasure! Just some thoughts... -T.F.
  12. Explain this to Universal Orlando...who closes their park to MORE people and has them come back in. Technically, you can in fact stay in the park but only in sectioned off ares until Halloween Horror Nights begins. ....and don't be snide in your comment. I am a haunt consultant...if KI wanted me, believe me, they know where to find me. I've worked with many theme parks around the world (in recent years mostly in China and Europe) with their Halloween events and I'd be happy to assist KI on their event. But, I don't have the time to -as you put it- apply for a job there. I can make more money assisting other parks, maybe KI's competition, than I would having a full-time job at the park. Just sayin'... -TF
  13. I completely agree with everything you bring up. On one hand, I can understand some of the thought processes behind the decision making for Haunt. However, it's also shameful that they think they can just vomit out the same old tired attractions year-after-year and think people won't notice...or won't care. I also understand the battle between Entertainment and Park Operations. I'm sure Kevin (Entertainment Director) is doing his absolute best to work Haunt while dealing with some insane request from Operations. The park obviously wants one thing...more people per hour. This does nothing for the quality of the shows. It's also a point to bring up that -I believe- the Cedar Fair parks are now the ONLY parks that do not charge a separate admission fee for their Halloween events. I know this is ALWAYS a hot topic point for a lot of people, but HH could be SO MUCH better if a $20 haunt admission was introduced with special wristbands/passes. There is no argument that can go against this fact. The best example is Halloween Horror Nights, charging an average of $80 JUST for the after-hours event...and yet they are the biggest haunted event in the world. Again, this all stems from the fact that KI is my "home" park and I, as somebody very passionate about this industry, can't stand how Halloween Haunt is operated and planned. -TF
  14. The one big thing that I remember seeing was Garbonzo's (sp?) Cannon in the museum section of the haunt. I think my wife caught one or two small things. I'd have to go back through a couple of times to better "refine" my search. -TF
  15. A couple of things can be found in the Cavern of Terror. -TF
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