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    The Nati
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    my family, music, movies, motorcycles, amusement parks, haunts and brewing beer.

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  1. Will the new coaster be a Vekoma too?
  2. Clearly. The parking lot is more packed than any other time of year. I would just personally rather have 6 or 7 houses that take 15 mins or so to get through then 10 houses that average 2 mins each. But to each his own. Long haunts have spoiled me. I still go to KI either way.
  3. I have been to HHN Orlando a few times myself as well (#22 thru 26). While I agree, the haunts production level are amazing and longer than the ones at KI. HHN is just over crowded now to the point that 26 wasn't as enjoyable and i am taking a break from our annual HHN trip. Express passes sometimes still lead to hour long waits (better than 3 hours though). I wish KI would embrace the production level of HHN, i know its more expensive but i think 6 or 7 well done houses go much further than 10-12 short houses that are slapped together real fast. Knotts pulls it off pretty well, the other Cedar Fair properties should get the same love. All that said, i am still excited for tomorrow! I hope it is better than last year (last year was a dud).
  4. I am a bit disappointed as well. With a description like "Something went terribly wrong at the Miami River Chemical Company.." I would expect this to be in Rivertown portion of KI near Mystic Timbers. Also, are we down a scare zone as well? I feel like we had 4 last year. Either way, still stoked for opening night tomorrow!! \m/
  5. Ah bummer First we are down a maze and now this!? <shakes fist at the haunt gods> Why do you taunt me KI with no Fright Feast!!?? Still, i am super excited for Friday!!
  6. This was our go to Friday ritual last year. Fright Feast then wander around a bit and utilize that front of line pass (always got the skeleton key room if we chose a haunt that featured this) and repeat the next Friday. We even got a discount with the season meal deal so the fright feast was maybe $5 i think? i forget, but i remember i got a nice discount on that. Maybe it will be back but isn't advertised yet?? Fingers crossed.
  7. Might not be a big deal but, be careful. Sometimes corporations don't like info getting out until its officially announced. I am sure if someone from the company read this they could easily figure out who your friend is and she could get in trouble. Not that she would, that info really shouldn't matter, but some organizations are strict with these things. Side note: Even though its probably not the Antique Cars coming back. I really think it would be cool to turn the Dino path into the new Antique Car track. Wishful thinking.
  8. This looks exciting! https://www.visitkingsisland.com/play/haunt/attractions/wasteland
  9. I too vaguely remember what i thought was more of a raspberry soft serve that was during Hanna Barbera days and i believe it was a limited Snagglepuss flavor as it was kind of pinkish/red to battle the huckleberry blue but this could have all been a dream.
  10. Sounds similar to a scare zone at Halloween Horror Nights 24. It was pretty cool, basically very Poe like masquerade ball. I am excited to see how this turns out! It also, for gamers out there, reminded me of BioShocks masquerade party.
  11. I have seen a few rowdy folks get escorted out of HH and I didn't witness it personally but i was at the park on Black Sunday.
  12. I will pay attention to the sign tonight. I have honestly never looked at it. As for the cup.. I have gone in previous years as well and never received a cup other then the paper one to get refills while in the picnic grove. I am skipping the feast this evening though due to how horrible the food was last Friday. The buns were very dry, like they were left over from the previous week and not stored properly. They just crumbled apart so i had to eat my pulled pork sandwich with a fork (sacrilegious). Beans were cold... probably the best item was the pasta that night. The gift i got at the end of the day was time on the throne...I will go to old faithful (larosas or the burrito spot) tonight and pay attention to that sign as well when i get to the park. Sorry to hear you had a crappy experience. I love rooting for KI but its always a big bummer when these things happen.
  13. Oh that looks like Muttley from the old Wacky Races cartoon in the first photo on stage. Pretty cool find.
  14. I think something along the lines of one of Universal Studios style of dark ride would be cool (transformers, spiderman, etc) or a hybrid ride like Disneys 7 dwarfs mine cart or Universals the Mummy would be pretty sweet, though i am sure they are all to expensive for Cedar Fair it would be nice. Peanut themed would be cool or even a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown ride??
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