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KIC Local

KIC Local (2/13)



  1. Hey, saw oldiesman at announcment (or oldies guy) sorry, bad memory. Did anyone also notice no SOB station?
  2. Standing behind a KICer right now. I don't think they see me. They should look back and say Hi
  3. Ginger kid. Here. Doctors said I could be here. Look for a ginger kid. Blue Pants. White shirt. Ginger hair.
  4. I feel that if Kings Island makes a themed area that's based on a holiday, that is around all year, (like people have been saying a new themed area to take over the AZ) I feel like it will look like this in a few years. IMO
  5. Have they done it yet? They did. It was stupid, and only about 30seconds.
  6. Local 12 is about to do a news report.
  7. I am really hoping for one, it seems realistic from the Patrick Michael blue prints. And it even seemed like it could have been a wing. But if you look at the new blueprint station leak, it really looks like an invert. Hoe hum. I guess there is always 2018...
  8. Does anyone find it odd that the news has not been reporting that much on the coaster, unlike what they did with Diamondback...
  9. And from the blueprints, you can also see doors that you will have to open to get inside. Hopefully this means a lot of themeing. (You also can see an exit door.
  10. I already asked... Did you get an answer? No <\3
  11. Sorry, I was trying to help so KIC-ers get their bearings. Wasnt direct towards you
  12. That very black line is where the wooden fence is now, and you can see the bathrooms up in the left corner, so this in not near octoberfest.
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