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Posts posted by PankWank

  1. Earlier Hint:


    14 + 1 + 16 + 15 + 12 + 5 + 15 + 14 + 4 + 25 + 14 + 1 + 13 + 9 + 20 + 5 =179 feet.

    N A P O L E O N D Y N A M I T E

    179 is not 500, nor 400, nor even 300.

    Sorry, but evidence is evidence.

    Where was the Napoleon Dynamite hint?

    179 could be drop height - Alpengeist's drop is only 170 feet tall.

    Don posted it on Twitter saying "What would be Napoleon Dynamite's favorite roller coaster at #KingsIsland?"

  2. For people new to KIC: (or anyone who wants to read it)

    I've seen a lot of new faces on KIC here recently so I thought i would put this together.

    If you are getting upset with the replies your getting to what you've been saying. Don't worry. The community just kind of gives everyone a hard time that is new to the forum.

    You must earn the communities trust, it's not that hard here is a couple things that will help get you going.

    1. Don't say anything like you know what's going in for 2014, unless you have a true source and can prove it then go right ahead. (No i'm not trying to come across mean either)

    2.Put a little time into your posts before you post them, we have a few grammar police that just might go banana's on you. Make sure most/everything you type that needs capitalized, is.

    3. It might take a few months for the community to know who you are and ounce that happens, they tend to be a lot nicer and you will get more likes and such.

    4. Don't start a "war" with another KIC person.

    5. most importantly, have fun! Be yourself! Get to know your fellow KIC members, they may seem mean or scary (cough Terpy cough :rolleyes:) but their all a nice bunch of people!

    Any questions about stuff don't be scared to talk to another KIC member, were glad to help!

    In other news, when was track being brought in for DB?

    Thank you for the advice!

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