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Cedar Point Gal

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Everything posted by Cedar Point Gal

  1. I'm hoping everyone who was injured recovers quickly. My thoughts are with them.
  2. Favorite rides for me are: Wicked Twister, Gatekeeper, Raptor, Blue Streak, and Mean Streak. I actually love all of them, but those are my favorites.
  3. I also read that Gemini had three trains at some point as well. You can see the remaining red and blue trains sitting in Mean Streak's infield. I've seen them myself.(Sorry, I don't have any pictures of them because I saw them while riding Mean Streak.) I also know you can see either a yellow or purple Double Loop car sitting there as well.
  4. Eagerly awaiting my first trip to Kings Island next weekend!

  5. Thanks for that info. I'm pretty sure I'll have no issues getting on everything. I have very few issues with the rides at Cedar Point, I only have minor issues with Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, and Wicked Twister. Dragster and Millennium only give me issues because the seat belts are kind of short, and Wicked Twister gives me problems because I have bigger shoulders and I'm big in the chest.(That's one of the only parts of being female that suck.)
  6. I was asking because I have larger hips and Blue Steak and Mean Streak are a bit of a tight fit with the divided seat, so I was wondering if I might have the same issue on any of the rides at Kings Island when I visit. I do fit on Mean Streak and Blue Streak, but it's a bit tight and I often have trouble with the seat belt if I don't remember to pull the seat belt before I sit down.
  7. Thanks for all the info, it really helps. I do have one more question. Do any of the rides at Kings Island have the divided seats like Blue Streak or Mean Streak?
  8. Thanks SonofBaconator. Yes, we decided to visit the Island for the first time. It's the first time that we've had the opportunity to visit KI and had Platinum Passes so we could come. Thanks also for the food recommendation and the coaster rundowns, it's very helpful. Thanks TheCrypt. This might be our only opportunity to come to KI this season which was kind of why I was asking about Fast Lane. Thanks The Interpeter. I was planning on getting Fast Lane Plus for the access to Diamondback and Beast. I already knew about the $10 extra for plus because Cedar Point also has Fast Lane Plus.(It includes Dragster and Gatekeeper.0
  9. Thanks for the info DBI. It's very helpful. I'm pretty sure we'll enjoy our trip, and I'm planning on posting a trip report with some pictures when we get back on Monday. I'm under the impression that Woodstock Express and Great Pumpkin Coaster are kids rides, right?
  10. My sister and I are taking our first trip to Kings Island July 26-29. Having never been there before we would like some advice on the park and what to ride first. Are there rides we should avoid early or late in the day? We are planning on getting Fast Lane Plus passes for maybe Saturday and Sunday or would only one day be advisable? What are the best places to stop for lunch/dinner and should we consider eating somewhere outside the park? Also I bought one of the refillable Gatekeeper bottles on my first visit to Cedar Point, will I be able to use it at Kings Island, or will I have to buy a new one? And one last question, which rides have on-ride photos?(I'm only asking because I want to buy them and I'd like to know how much money I need to set aside to buy photos and maybe a few shirts.) Thanks in advance.
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