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  1. Just drove by and it looks like the lower section of the larger support is in. I'll try to get pics on my way back.
  2. I'd be happy with any giga. However, if that is the true layout I'd be disappointed only because of how much room they have to work with. I do understand they have a budget though. Hopefully we'll see some more clearing today. I should note that on 5/7 I did spy a tree truck on the Banshee cam dumping mulch from the back of the truck. They were coming from the direction of the current clearing. Then I saw 2 trucks leaving out towards the new dorms. I read on a past page that there was a rumor we were supposed to get a giga in 2014 but went with inverted instead. That was the first I've heard of that but I wonder if the leaked plan was for that giga. It would've required Firehawk to have been taken out then so I'm not so sure about it. I do believe the plan is legit and professionally done but I'm not sold that it's for 2020.
  3. I believe it was 2 different screen shots done from a phone and 1 was zoomed in farther than the other. I was able to edit the pic with Paint to expand the right side up and down to get everything to line up correctly. I still have my doubts about it but honestly, I really don't know what to think at this point.
  4. I saved immediately as well.
  5. Where'd that come from?
  6. For my first post since Banshee Decoding... me too? I've been lurking...
  7. Greg said the 2nd attraction would be announced in mid August.
  8. Here is a link for a Coaster Campout update. https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog-article/online-fun/A-Coaster-Campout-Update?mobile=0
  9. Has anyone here who registered but is not camping received an email confirmation about the event?
  10. Yes it is. On a good note all the columns that had large scratches on them yesterday appear to have been painted.
  11. Banshee has been broke down for about 15 minutes now. They've been working on something in the bake run.
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