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KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. From the webcam it looks like the have taken the chairs off Delirium could just be the fog. Also looks like they are taking the fence down
  2. what time do you think they will start setting up tomorrow?
  3. well you did better. you actually provided some discussion in half of that. dont be impertinent.
  4. The forces would be un-noticeably different. The ride design would be slightly altered and would most likely feel identical to a normal Wing Coaster. The whole concept has no marketable value, is impractical, and will not happen. Why is this even being discussed? It's called decoding. And it would appear not everyone is confident in your findings. You do realize that new things happen right? The argument of " I know I'm right" ain't cutting it. There's nothing to "decode" anymore. It's an Invert, deal with it. I honestly don't care if you don't believe me. But I'm just trying to show people what is actually happening here. I read plans for my job, and I know what is happening in those drawings. This WILL 100% be an Invert. I was just trying to spread the knowledge and discontinue wrong ideas in this thread. Sorry bout it... i never said it wasnt an Invert. Go back and read. Since the plans are out, its no contest. I can read plans too. the footers seem, to me anyway, a bit wide for a std invert, especially in the loops.
  5. How do you 100% know the drawings are accurate?It should also be noted companies like B&M are always coming up with new concepts which we have never seen yet. Because they have an Engineering stamp on them. And because they were found in the City Office. Of course they are, and maybe that was a bad point by me, but I lowers they likeliness a whole lot when we've never seen any proof of that concept existing... the plans are real, there are to many copies to be a fake. - in my head it goes like this.... WLWT pulled the plans from the city of mason, the day after the announcement date was set. They called KI for a statement, which was declined. The decision was made to release the plans before the news. done and done. another set of plans that showed up today or yesterday, looks to show the "glide path" of the trains. While i am firmly rooted on hoping for a wing coaster, i have to admit the looking at these new plans puts a damper on that there are several areas that just dosent look like it would allow a wide wing thru. Definitely an invert, probably not a wing. trying to stay positive. from a reliability standpoint, i almost hope for something tested and true like a good Invert. New technologies, unproven, irl, break a lot. e.g. The Bat, or that cloudgroper thing
  6. The forces would be un-noticeably different. The ride design would be slightly altered and would most likely feel identical to a normal Wing Coaster. The whole concept has no marketable value, is impractical, and will not happen. Why is this even being discussed? It's called decoding. And it would appear not everyone is confident in your findings. You do realize that new things happen right? The argument of " I know I'm right" ain't cutting it.
  7. Kings Island prefers that you get your hand stamped for re-entry. The pass allows you 1 admission per day( or that's how it was explained to me). They rarely enforce this for season pass holders.
  8. Best smell: Racer Best sound: Diamondback. (I can hear it from my backyard)
  9. I'm trying to read and get caught up so this may have been answered but...The blueprints in the video are 100% real and accurate for what was filed with the city. And nothing had been changed on those in terms of the front gate area. On the first page it's perfectly oriented to cover Invertigo and the ticketing/season pass processing room. They may be making some modifications to the front of the park in that area, there are very recent tree removals in the front service entrance area. I don't see a redirect of the main gate away from international street. I don't think this topic has been discussed very much, seems like a lot of focus on who is making the track for a the new coaster.
  10. wouldnt putting a dive machine right next to Drop Tower be kinda redundant?
  11. Canada's Wonderland is in Canada. Does that mean California's Great America is in California, too? Or is it really in Illinois? Yes
  12. i will say this thought, if this bat thingy is indeed our new toy then I'm disappointed in what the term "World Record" means. There should be 5 categories, Height, Length, # inversions, Speed and Drop. This whole "longest inverted" tallest "dive Coaster" is too granular, when did fast stop being fast and tall being tall?
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