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Everything posted by gforce1994

  1. Without the ac, it would blow, or maybe not. How about this?
  2. BTW, the pipes seen by The Beast match with the runoff pipes underneath The Bat. Looks like if the construction may be altering the runoff ditch that runs by Firehawk. Opens a fresh new can of worms. Why would they want to be altering a runoff system that has worked perfectly for x number of years?
  3. True, however, EAB degrades the strength of the wood, likely making the tree shatter during removal. None of this was seen.
  4. However nobody has explained the clearing by Beast. It’s not EAB.
  5. I heard music from The Third Man playing in Tower Gardens. I found it a bit strange that music synonymous with a grim film got placed in the park, but to each their own.
  6. If they did what KK did, life would be better.
  7. I had to design a hotel complex to pass undergrad. Those complexes are fun to design, in regards to structure.
  8. Quick Q: how are ops dealing with guests dealing with phones on rides? I had held high hopes they would come down on violators, but images like this are disheartening. Thoughts?
  9. I have one that flies along perimeter of AZ, dives under entrance, and has double helix by Bat.
  10. Very true. I don’t know what the construction is for if they’re using retaining walls.
  11. This appeared on the TV in the line for The Beast.
  12. Copperheads do live in Ohio: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/reptiles/northern-copperhead
  13. Looks like more work has taken place. Possible coffer dam/retaining wall being installed.
  14. And you’re coming to KI before the Giga I assume? Jk.
  15. They manufacture the parts overseas, costs less to transport, hence more to build with.
  16. That's shocking. Actually, must be after the 300th episode.
  17. How does Kenny meet his maker in the ep you’re watching?
  18. Somebody didn’t follow the pregnant rider rules if that was the case. Jk.
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