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gforce1994 last won the day on October 24 2020

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    FEA, dynamics of structural engineering, coasters, thrill rides, metallurgy, and probability.

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  1. They have the list published on the KIC website.
  2. Tipping is a good way to help support workers salaries while keeping food prices low. It’s been that way for awhile. There has been numerous studies on how tipping ensures that prices remain low, and people are paid. Look at restaurants that don’t provide tips. Notice how the price of McDonalds, Skyline, and Five Guys have skyrocketed like crazy.
  3. Here’s one of many articles outside the Cincinnati market that mentioned it.
  4. Additionally, there was coverage of it in Dayton, Columbus, and was talked about by attendees of Coastermania. Everyone knew the event was going on.
  5. Just a sad event. I hope he and the ride ops make a full recovery.
  6. The timing is perfect because it’s the 40th anniversary of the first major enthusiast event in park history - AcCE Spring Conference. That year heralded the opening of King Cobra:
  7. Yes, but first aid has general medical supplies, not something disease or condition specific. I ran into the issue last year, and am curious if it was fixed.
  8. The issue with the bag policy is that if people are forced to keep their medical supplies in their cars, having to leave the park ends their night.
  9. Dude, it’s early on. It takes some time to process, analyze, and diagnose. I can tell you a few cases where companies have been too eager to provide communications and the provided information was incorrect.
  10. Or it looks like someone else made an account trying to have an “ah-ha” moment. The name of the account is KingsLslandPR. It’s a fake account.
  11. Today, Mike Koontz held the Hall of Fame ceremony inside the Festhaus. He started the presentation by playing a rap piece that described the staff and their roles over the speakers. The rap and the following ceremony was quite nice.
  12. Look what’s trending on the front page of the Travel section of USAToday. Kudos to the park for a fantastic announcement.
  13. Just because one person answers park related questions on their personal account doesn’t mean another person has to.
  14. Nope, he’s the spokesperson. It’s within his right to communicate with guests in that manner. Many communication directors conduct communications in a similar manner.
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