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purdude86 last won the day on January 20 2022

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  1. And it was yellow before way back when it was Scooby Doo.
  2. While I enjoyed doing it from time to time, I'm actually more excited for its removal than it staying. To me, if it's demolished that means they probably are planning to do something with that area (like when Slingshot was removed). And I always felt it's placement was horrible for any new updates or rethremes to Action Zone. It takes up a lot of space and is right in the middle of the land breaking it up. Taking it out really open the land and gives it a lot of space. This gives me hopes for a revamp (and hopefully retheme) of the area soon.
  3. I agree with additional trees and landscaping, especially around the kids area and Rivertown. Would like to see Camp Snoopy take over all of it and get a lot more woodsy feel and trees throughout for additional shade and nice transition into Rivertown.
  4. Yea it always seemed so weird for it to be placed where it was when they had an entire land with the exact theming of the ride. It was better received due to how well the theming was done but TR:TR was the same. I feel like scenery/landscaping does really help to elevate a rides appeal. Just think of The Beast. It is a well loved coaster, but imagine how it would be if it wasn't running through the woods and all the trees and was just in a big open field. While people like the ride still, I lost count of how many times people complained about the lack of trees and surrounding landscaping for Diamondback.
  5. International Street: Bring back more appropriate music for the area. Would liek the side walkways to have more of a resemblance to before but with all the seating around I'm not sure I'd want to get rid of that but be hard to get it back to that either ,maybe build out a couple area at the Eiffel Tower end like at the front to add additional seating then remove table in the middle to add some more landscaping and larger trees there. Add another flat by Diamondback's turnaround, something more simple and classic to go with the area like a tilt-a-whirl or trabant. Add more landscaping and make it a nice Tower Gardens area for that whole section behind the tower. Camp snoopy/Planet Snoopy: Make the entire area Camp Snoopy. Add more trees to give it more of an outdoor/camp feel and provide more shade. Convert Boo Blasters into a Peanuts dark ride and replace some of the older rides with some newer ones. MAybe add something like Black Bear Trail from Dollywood as well to the area next to the playground, or as a replacement for the Dora train ride. Rivertown: Replace the Crypt building with a new flat. Keep the queue and theme it to a mine, but tear down the large building and put in a screamin' swing themed to an oil rig. Coney Mall: Continue upgrading the rides with new lighting packages, would convert the end by WindSeeker into a 50's themed miniland within Coney Mall. Retheme BLSC into a 50's theme to match. Remove the basketball games and use that space and some of the BLSC plaza to put in a Musik Express (sock hop theme or something), New coaster in Vortex's plot with a surfing theme. Either a surf coaster or Gerstlauer Infinity like Hangtime. I would also convert the old Action Theatre into a new Phantom Theatre dark ride. It's spot is secluded a bit within Racer's turnaround so could make the outside and surrounding area a bit decrepit and rundown without hurting the ambience of the rest of Coney Mall. Area 72: Add some restrooms, put in a flat or two. A SkyFly or something like Air Racers at Carowinds would fit the theme well. also a gravitron, nebulaz, or topscan could all work too. Oktoberfest / Adventure port: Wouldn't change too much here. Would just make the current Oktoberfest became part of International Street. Do a little enhancement to the interior of FestHaus. Adventure Port would just make sure to keep up/enhance AE theming and maybe enhance the third tunnel with better theming. Action Zone: This area needs the most. I would make this a new Oktoberfest section to celebrate the heritage of the area. As they don't seem as popular or have a bit of downtime I'd replace Congo Falls and Invertigo with a new larger ride. Either a water coaster if they want to keep a water ride there or an RMC style coaster. I'd also remove the SkyCoaster. It is fun but it is right in the middle of the land and takes up a lot of space. Could remove this and add a couple flats and theming or a new restaurant as well. If a new restaurant is added I would maybe remove Chicken Shack and use that space for a flat instead. And depending on feasability a new Coaster utilizing SoB's station area for the new station, or if that doesn't work forgoing over the other coasters to get behind them then a large scale flat ride there. Soak City: Retheme the water park with a river theme (Miami River Works) and add some theming, more trees, and some new slides. Replace Splash Landing with a better and larger water fortress.
  6. I like half the ideas and not a fan of the other half. Of the ones I like I'd rank them: 1. Indoor/outdoor coaster. Can do a bit with this as it could be either family or high thrill style and with or without inversions. With the indoor areas I feel it gives the best potential for theming and story though. 2. Gerstlauer Infinity. Be something new for the area as a whole as well as the park and add in a new coaster with numerous inversion. Always thought one of these could be a great addition in The Vortex plot. Could make a good theme for it to fit that 50s/60s era in that corner as well. 3. Giga dive. I know not everyone loves these but they are GP pleasers and look great. Newer ones I feel having been doing more with their layouts and I always found them fun while riding. Think one like this would look fantastica nd give great views in The Vortex plot with the drop/hold facing out into the park. 4. Peanuts dark ride. Boo Blasters needs a refresh bad and an updated ride would be good. Have felt incorporating it into Planet Snoopy would work well too to help enhance that area even more. Not sure if it could take the title back from Dollywood but it would give it a shot at regaining its best kids area as I feel it would give it the most variety between the multiple coasters, flats, log flume, and then dark ride.
  7. I would have to assume that is per side. There is no way each side is only 265 feet. Based on the statistics they gave of height and angle, the first drop would take up 45 ft. of that so half of the ride would just be that first drop and uphill section, there is too much tube after for that. But with other parks advertising the combined length I agree that I'm surprised they didn't go with that number to make it seem longer, but prefer this as it is more honest of the actual experience. Overall with the river theming for these new additions I hope this might be the start of an overall retheme of the waterpark. Would love to see it get it's own unique theme like some of the others. Maybe rename it Miami River Works or something along those lines. Give it a fresh look and add some more trees as well.
  8. Yea there's no reason to pay to demolish it until they have to. And with Timberwolf, it's able to still be used. So even if it isn't hosting many things it is still able to and can be a small revenue source until it comes time for them to have to make a real decision on whether to keep it or not. I do feel the time for a decision on that general area is coming but its not imminent yet.
  9. That is my assumption of that statement as well. I view it more as the checklist graphic they show of what is included in each tier or not (no blackout dates, Halloween Haunt, Winterfest, free parking, etc) are the benefits they mean carrying over to all parks. Not park specific special events.
  10. Even though it's a decent drive I have debated getting Dollywood passes some year. We love Gatlinburg anyway so figure be fun weekend get-aways a few times through the year and try to go to their different festivals.
  11. I enjoy it when I ride it and if it’s making money for them makes sense to keep, but hate its location. Being right in the middle of Action Zone limits additions/expansions/redos of the area. I don’t see them spending money to move it but would like to see it moved to the field next to Flight of Fear in Area 72 and themed to a training thing. This would open a huge area (especially if they replaced Congo Falls and Invertigo as well) for a redo of Action Zone.
  12. I loved the Smurfs boat ride as a kid, but was even more excited for Phantom Theatre so didn’t miss it when it left.
  13. I think it’s a good thing. Going to be popular when it returns as new thing and a return of a loved attraction. When we rode the original it was easily our longest wait even with FL+. Valravn was brand new and it took us about 15 minutes and Maverick was 10-15. But TTD took 30 or so because dispatches took so long.
  14. Nah Racer will become Twix. “Are you Left Racer or Right Racer”
  15. I think only special ones will. Loch Ness was a more historic coaster and might have stayed very popular too. I think the average Arrow will likely just get replaced. As mentioned I could see Magnum get similar when needed. And hope AE is saved when that time comes. I have hope for that given all the recent work they did for it.
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