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kingsislandfan1972 last won the day on February 9 2024

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About kingsislandfan1972

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    Hill Valley, California
  • Interests
    WWE, Amusement Parks, 80's & 90's movies.

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  1. I was watching a 1995 Video of Kings Island on YouTube, and I found something I never seen before which is a ball pit in Hanna-Barbera Land/Nickelodeon Land, who remembers this? I was born in 1996 so when I was old enough to remember things I don't remember it at all, I guess they had a worker in the ball pit and this video it looked like he was getting fed up with the kids throwing the balls at him, makes me wonder if that's why they removed it!
  2. It would be a very big honor to be the very first guest EVER at Kings Island!
  3. Bacon & cheese fries from Potato Works in Rivertown, it's a definite must try! Also a Blue Ice Cream cone in Planet Snoopy, (personally I like mine with sprinkles!)
  4. When you put a pov of Diamondback on your TV and pretend your riding it!
  5. Ironically 10 years later from this post... The Bat does return in some way!
  6. I honestly didn't even know they were auctioning off seats to ride ANY ride at Kings Island!
  7. It's fun looking at these old first reactions of SpongeBob 3D! I for one was very excited when I found out that SpongeBob was getting his own attraction all those years ago!
  8. Any restroom but Feshaus bathroom, on busy KI days either hot for summer or cold for WinterFest, those bathrooms usually have a line.
  9. I'm feeling pretty confident that Boo Blasters isn't leaving the 2020s, I just have a feeling that Kings Island is replacing it soon.
  10. I think this would be a good idea, especially since the abandoned Crypt building has been an eyesore just sitting there only to be used at Haunt. It makes me wonder if they actually have a future plan for that building.
  11. I remember that! He was waiting in line and they showed clips of old SpongeBob episodes!
  12. I have a question about SpongeBob 3D that used to be in the old Action Theater, in the beginning of the ride before the movie started does anybody remember Mr. Krabs telling you the rules of what and what not to do in the ride? It been a long time but I vaguely remember this, does anybody else remember as well?
  13. I'm Michigan we have Halo Burger, I wouldn't mind eating an Olive Burger in the park.
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