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kingsislandfan1972 last won the day on February 9

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    Hill Valley, California
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    WWE, Amusement Parks, 80's & 90's movies.

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  1. Let's pretend that Kings Island (and other parks) were never purchased by Cedar Fair, and it's 2024, what do you think the park would be like now? What new attractions do you think we would have? Is there anything that Paramount would have kept that Cedar Fair wouldn't have? Let me know your thoughts down below!
  2. I'd say Phantom Theater because they could have just updated the animatronics as time went on, and there wasn't a Copyright on the Phantom Theater characters so they could keep it unlike Scooby-Doo. (Which was still better with that theming than the current Boo Blasters theming in my opinion.)
  3. I agree, it would definitely fit the theming.
  4. I think the easiest re-theme would be The Bat turning into something Batman related, which I wouldn't mind. Perhaps the tunnel with the American Flag, can turn into The Bat Cave and Batman theme in the que, that I actually wouldn't mind, I'd say leave Banshee alone that theming is perfect. Invertigo can be turned into a Two Face (Batman) themed ride. And Delirum I can see it turning into some Green Lantern themed ride. But these are just my ideas...
  5. I always thought it would be cool if Kings Island had a permanent small museum in the park showing the history of the park and showing former remnants of rides. Just a small one so guests can see how Kings Island has evolved over the years maybe this could be on International Street or possibly in RiverTown, but what do you all think?
  6. Rando guy looking at old Crypt/Tomb Raider building points and says "Hey! I remember when that used to be The Phantom Theater!" My reaction:
  7. I like Congo Falls but if we are talking water rides at Kings Island, I'd rather be riding White Water Canyon. No I don't want them to remove CF, however I do believe a retheming is needed, for example I think they should build an indoor section on top of Congo Falls, possibly creepy theming like Banshee & The Bat. I'd even think it would be cool if they took a page out of Mystic Timbers book and had some kind of Mysterious Creature up there. A dark area would be awesome and would draw more people to the ride, they can call it "The Mystery Of Congo Falls" but hey I'm just brainstorming ideas here!
  8. That is awesome! I'm assuming this was to promote the ride, sad to say it was only for one year. If The Phantom Theater ever does return in ride form, I'd hope they would bring this back!
  9. Looking forward to the 2024 season at Kings Island, I've already been hearing a lot of positive things! (I gotta get my blue ice cream soon! )
  10. That snake used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. I always covered my eyes at that part also I covered my ears at the beginning of the ride when the persons voice blared over in the building.
  11. Making Action Zone into a creepy themed area is a good idea, heck they already have Banshee & The Bat. I'd say rename/retheme Delirum to something more Halloweenish, maybe color scheme it black & orange? Drop Tower would be fine, but maybe play some creepy music in the que like along with mist in the area. Also get retheming if Congo Falls and make it into something similar like a spooky water dark ride perhaps build around it (Disaster Transport Cedar Point). Invertigo, honestly retheme it or just get rid of it, it only runs not even half the time anyways.
  12. Years later I still sometimes call Kings Island "Paramounts Kings Island" fun fact The Beast ACE Roller Coaster Landmark still says "Paramounts Kings Island".
  13. I think that needs an update, I've seen that before I think there is a poster for Snoopy Rocks On Ice by the Kings Island Theater which I believe would have been around 2010-2011. But very cool nonetheless very nostalgic.
  14. I have an idea, what if this year (well way later this year or next year) what if Kings Island came up with a Christmas themed maze, like Halloween Haunt but not scary but family oriented maybe a Santa workshop in which you enter a building and walk through the North Pole encountering elves, Snowman, and of course the big man himself, Santa Clause along with Kings actors of course or a maze themed to A Christmas Carol would be a very unique idea. What do all of you think?
  15. If you have memorized soundtracks of certain rides from YouTube. (Mystic Timbers, Tomb Raider, Phantom Theater, etch.)
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