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beastfan11 last won the day on April 9

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  1. I betcha that Dick Kinzel guy is behind all this. Never trusted him or those tiny cups.
  2. Definitely to be taken with a huge grain of salt. But I came across this on Reddit. No real way to validate these claims, but the concept sounds really incredible. If true, I’m happy to see the “shooting” aspect of the current ride system not necessarily carried over. Wish this would’ve happened. Hopeful for something new in that space in the semi-near future, but with the merger, I’d bet we’re a few years off still. Would be curious to see if anyone has heard anything about this.
  3. As a marketing dude, I’m curious to see what they do (if anything) as far rebranding efforts. I’m not a huge fan of the current CF branding and I could take or leave Six Flags as a whole. But this could be a fun opportunity for a logo/branding refresh. Specifically while keeping each park’s individuality highlighted a bit. No name changes, though. Six Flags Ohio has a now troubled history and wouldn’t want to see KI change too much. But I can see it now… ”Six Flags Over It”
  4. My, how that view has changed.
  5. Love your whole channel. Great stuff! Hope you’re able to unearth some great treasures line @TOPGUN1993posted in this thread. So cool. Can’t wait to see more!
  6. Terrible. Hate seeing any park like this. Here’s to a speedy cleanup and recovery!
  7. Anybody else still actively collecting KI pins? I like to pick up one or two a visit when I can. I’m hoping they make more. Here’s my collection so far: Started way back in 2018 from what I remember. Also big into the Disney Pin Trading/Collecting. What KI pins would you like to see?
  8. Picked up my copy yesterday. May have skipped around a bit and read the AE, PT, and Jaws sections first. Really great read and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. Can’t wait to keep reading!
  9. Seeing the same thing. Appreciate the powers at be looking into this! And keeping the site up and running. Thanks all!
  10. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/senator-level-of-opposition-heard-for-riverbend-2-0-meant-deprioritized-funding-for-project "Our office received more opposition phone calls and emails from constituents regarding the Riverbend 2.0 project than any other project or piece of legislation," Butcher wrote in an email to WCPO. "Therefore, the Senator chose not to prioritize this particular funding request." MEMI/CSO may not be responsible for the decline of the park, but nobody held a gun to their head and made them do what they did in destroying Sunlite Pool. Quite the contrary, as the public made their opinions known loud and clear, but they decided to move forward anyway. And said public outcry was so strong that it politically deprioritized the states desire (or lack thereof) to provide tax dollars to this stupid project. Fact of the matter, it looks like the majority of individuals were against this from the beginning. CSO/MEMI should’ve read the room instead of marching forward with their “holier than thou” attitude about this and the people of Cincinnati. What’s done is done, though. It’s just a shame because in the right hands the park could’ve thrived. But that’s not as appealing as a non-profit’s quest to turn a profit in roundabout ways by creating an additional arm of their organization to make money and simultaneously cover their own butts. I celebrate their failure and will continue to do so.
  11. I feel like there’s a golden opportunity to do a B&M Flyer in The Vortex plot themed/named after the Flying Eagles.
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