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KIC Tourist

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  1. Sorry I meant good airtime woodies. Obviously The Beast is a fantastic wooden coaster
  2. I know Kings Island doesn't need a new ride, but that doesn't mean I don't like thinking about what it will be. I am hoping for a new prefabricated wooden coaster with intense air time. The Beast and Racer aren't good woodies when u compare them to The Voyage or Thunderhead at Dollywood. I'd really like a wooden coaster with a spiral drop and quick airtime hills that throw you out of your seat.
  3. I think Kings Island really needs a new GCI or Gravity Group woodie with awesome airtime. I go to Holiday World every year just to ride The Voyage and there is no greater thrill on the planet except maybe Top Thrill Dragster. I realize Kings Island isn't gonna build something to the caliber of The Voyage but even Thunderhead at Dollywood would be awesome. It is relatively cheap (compared to anything B&M) and has some intense air time that throws you out of your seat.
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