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Halloween haunt question


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I haven't been to Halloween Haunt this year, but I will be going this Saturday. Can anybody tell me what the best haunted house is and what part of the park has the most scare actors. I don't mean inside the haunted house, but the outside just where anybody can walk around. I was wondering because I want to know where the most intense spots are. thanks

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**this is coming from the mouth of me**

Just walk around the park and see...

And get a map in the beginning and you're good to go *thumbs up*

Im actually starting to enjoy this year more then 4years ago when I first started (fear fest originally)

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Wow there are so many great places to go that it is very hard to just name one!! So far I have loved pretty much everything that I have done at this point. Have not checked out Trail of Terror, Death Row or Massacre Manor but will this weekend.

The Torchure Chamber I would pass on unless you happen to like watching people put hooks in their eye lids, personally I was not impressed with this show.

Tombstone Terrortory has Hauntguy and Fairewitch in it - they are both excellent!! Plus my son-in-law is in that one - those cowboys really have a great time in there and give it their all.

The Cemetery - it seemed as if those creatures were coming out of every corner!! Lot of screams in there too.

Workzone - very much improved from last year - things you think are fake suddenly move - more activity and a lot more active scare actors than last year!!

CarnEvil is the same as last year - was not impressed with that at all.

CornStalkers - you will find UncleHenry in there - he does a great job!! Lots of stalkers ready to scare you which is great. Not as much fog so you can actually see the path this year.

Red Beards Revenge - well when I went Tassels was in that location and had most of that house scaring me!! It was really a great new haunt!! Same location as the Cowboy Carneage was last year.

Action Zone has plenty of activity in there now - scareactors/roamers/creepers are all over. Also a lot of roamer activity going on in Coney Maul and RiverTown.

Club Blood was a good one too but not as great as the others were. It is a definate check and see thought.

Basically I would try my best to check out everything. We followed the Manager of Entertainment on the Tombstone TerrorTory and I noticed him jumping a bit in there. Hauntguy got him to jump a good foot lol.

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Forgot about Dead Awakening - this is an excellent show - well worth your time BUT please please read the signs - this show is NOT for children under 13 years of age and it is well posted as well as the people at the gates informing folks that it is not good for children. Personally I have seen more suggestive clothing and actions on regular TV and find it irritating when people are offended yet let their children watch the shows on tv...If you watch this show for it's intended purpose you will LOVE IT!! Those young people put on an awesome show - yes I know some of them too. They worked their hearts out no matter the weather - as well as all of the other scareactors!!

I have had to really give a piece of my mind about Halloween Haunt this year. First off - IT IS A Halloween Haunt - posted everywhere it is NOT for young children that are easily scared - I have 5 and 7 year old grandson's that do not scare easily at all - the 5 year old we have yet to find anything that will scare him. So those kids do well but please understand that although Kings Island is a "family park" during Halloween Haunt it is split. If you want Family fun then check out the wonderful and entertaining Nick or Treat in the morning/afternoon - after 5:30pm it becomes a place for ADULTS to enjoy - intense scares, and so on. If you check around any Halloween Haunt type of thing it is never for children or those easily scared - that is why people like me enjoy it so much!!

Yes I enjoy it and have gone to every single night of Halloween Haunt so far and plan on attending the rest of the operational nights as well. I know a lot of the scare actors and have several in each location out looking for me because I am easy to scare and give them the screams they are looking to achieve!! I am real jumpy - BUT LOVE IT!!

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I thought Club Blood was my favorite as well. Trail of Terror was good as was Tombstone Terror-Tory. The one with the clowns (not sure what it's called this year) is always good to me.

I haven't been through The Cemetary yet, but will check it out next weekend.

As for Dead Awakeings, it was great. I walked by it this past Saturday and all the seats looked filled, there were people standing in the back, so it looks to be doing well and rightly so. I don't remember the last time I've seen the International Showplace full. So my advice would be to line up early for that one if you want to get a close seat.

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I have an altogether different question about the Haunt this year. Why was it deemed a good idea to play soft rock audio against a horror movie video on the queue TVs? I'm looking directly at you, Beast queue on the 6th.

Action Zone had kind of a hard rock thing going on when we'd pass through that area, but I'm okay with that. It at least works well with the visuals of the night. Flight of Fear had horror movies on the outside screens with no sound, and I can deal with that too. But to have the soundtrack from The Wedding Singer playing against Night of the Living Dead... that's really doing more harm than good for your theme, I'd think.

On an unrelated matter, the park is entirely too busy on Saturday's during the Haunt to be enjoyable (at least for Ann and I.) Maybe it's all the unsupervised kids running and flailing and generally being obnoxious, maybe I'm just getting old, but the crowds just weren't doing it for me. I've heard it's better on Fridays, but our fall is pretty packed this year, and Saturday was the only spare day we could find.

Oh! One last thing, props to everyone responsible for Club Blood being added to the lineup. That was probably the neatest haunt I've been to in years, barring only the old House of Horrors up by Mount Vernon.


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  Seven said:
On an unrelated matter, the park is entirely too busy on Saturday's during the Haunt to be enjoyable (at least for Ann and I.) Maybe it's all the unsupervised kids running and flailing and generally being obnoxious, maybe I'm just getting old, but the crowds just weren't doing it for me. I've heard it's better on Fridays, but our fall is pretty packed this year, and Saturday was the only spare day we could find.


Friday nights have been pretty good so far this year. It is busy but not extremely packed. Longest wait for anything we did last week was 15 minutes, that's not too bad at all.

As far as the kids go, I feel your pain. I see these kids and wonder "Did I act that stupid when I was that age?", sad thing is I probably did. The thing I hate the most at KI is the kids with basketballs. I, for one, would not miss those things one bit it KI got rid of them! Guess I'm gettin' old too. :P

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Alright, unlike the original poster, Im not looking for what haunts are the "best" but Im looking for what order I should hit the haunts in order to get them done. I will be there Fri the 26th and Saturday the 27th (however I will be leaving early, no later then 10 to drive back home) and idealy I would like to hit all the haunts on Friday so that I can redo favorites on Saturday and since haunts get depopulated after midnight I plan on only doing coasters after that point on Friday.

So how should I attack the haunt? From what I read Club Blood is very popular, so Im guessing I should hit that one first and since Tombstone Territory appears to get long lines (and based on the reviewer is really great or bad but either way Im hitting every haunt) I should be there when that opens at 8. Thats really all the direction Ive been able to get so far, so help me out, what order should I do them?

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The lines for a lot of the haunts get really long pretty quickly. I do agree that Club Blood is the one to see first because it's all new and you don't want to miss it. Also, don't forget to check out Dead Awakening in the International Showplace, which is arguably the best show Kings Island has had in over 10 years.

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^Even on Friday the lines get long quick? What do you mean by long, are we talking 1/2 hour, 1 hour, or 2+? I didnt think KI was that crowded on Friday nights, Ive been to Halloween Fridays at Cedar Point and Busch Gardens Europe and never had to wait in a long line (in fact I there was really no line at all) on Fridays.

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To me Fridays are the best to go!!!

Plus you get the "monster wall in the beginning" which is out way of "the nights beginning" like welcome to Halloween Haunt

With Fridays night games, homecoming season, everything going on

Fridays are slower then saturdays.. its people who WANT to do it

Saturdays = Maddness lines... If you think of it this way... People are in the park all day long. And then stay for all the haunts. So its a busy night for us..

If anything see dead awakening.. i heard its pretty good... according to HH Mascot (Karen) i'll never get to see it. Cause i'm always in my house or in my haunt...

Either way I think/Say FRIDAY is the night to go.. Not a ton of people..

And easier to get through the houses.. vause you don't have saturdays crowd with you too

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Up until this year, Friday nights have been unbelievably slow, leaving no lines for both mazes and rides. However, and even though we're only two weekends into it, last Friday's attendance had clearly doubled from opening weekend , meaning it's quite possible for it to double again into what is usually a regular summer weekday at the park.

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  Touchdown said:
Alright, unlike the original poster, Im not looking for what haunts are the "best" but Im looking for what order I should hit the haunts in order to get them done. I will be there Fri the 26th and Saturday the 27th (however I will be leaving early, no later then 10 to drive back home) and idealy I would like to hit all the haunts on Friday so that I can redo favorites on Saturday and since haunts get depopulated after midnight I plan on only doing coasters after that point on Friday.

So how should I attack the haunt? From what I read Club Blood is very popular, so Im guessing I should hit that one first and since Tombstone Territory appears to get long lines (and based on the reviewer is really great or bad but either way Im hitting every haunt) I should be there when that opens at 8. Thats really all the direction Ive been able to get so far, so help me out, what order should I do them?

Personally... I'd say go with the big attractions first. I know you can hit Cornstalkers on the way in on the other side of the Eiffel Tower and then progress to the mazes and then hit work site on the way out (or even on the way to go see Dead Awakening at 12:15 ;) ;))but logically most things are set up in groups of 2 or 3 attractions close to each other. just follow a logical progression and you should eb fine.

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