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quick question about bring a friend discounts


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When I got there yesterday, the sales attendant told me that I couldn't get a ticket because I got one last week, fortunately I called first and asked and they told me I could on the phone, and I told the clerk that they said so, and I wasn't about to pay full price, I would've bought the ticket online had they not said I could get the discount on the phone, he got a manager who put in a code and did an overide. This sure isn't a smooth process. I was going to bring a friend tuesday again, but I wander if it is going to be a hassle again.

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Make sure that you read the press releases that a post on here closely, they come directly from the park. If anyone gives you conflicting information, kindly ask for a manager. They should be well informed. Kings Island does whatever it can to keep things consistent, but they're not perfect.

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I believe the press release, or at least the email stated "up to 6 on any given day" which is rather unclear to me whether they mean up to 6 on one occasion only, or 6 total on the same day or different days. In fact when I called them on the phone yesterday she said she thought I could get 6 and no more but it could be on one day or multiple days, it seems it's different depending on who you talk to, it's a very nice gesture, I just wish it was a little more clear as I would hate to get up there not get the discount and it be too late for the online discount.

Thanks for the feedback!

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