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Hotel Breakers

Guest faceoff

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Guest faceoff

I have stayed in all sections of the hotel breaker's except the twin section. Can anybody give their

opinion of these rooms? Do the door's have electronic locks, is there a coffee maker in the room?

Thanks for helping.

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Guest faceoff

The twin section is on the opposite side of the rotunda. After walking up stairs, walk to other side.

Long hallway with rooms on both sides. No lake view.

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^ Yeah.

That is the Bon Aire section. There is no "twin" section.


Which there are no pictures for.


It may scare off potential guests! ;)

Seriously though; the Bon Aire section is the oldest section of the hotel. It has not been updated, but along with that, it is also the most inexpensive way to go staying on the Point.

That section, as you mentioned, has no elevator service. It is a little darker than the rest of Breakers. It also has a musty odor to it. Not a bad odor, just musty. The odor is due to the massive amount of humidity, and the lack of A/C in the hallways there. Just turn on your room A/C full blast while you are in the park and your room will be fine. A can of Febreeze works well too!

You will hear opinions vary from: "How can CP have such terrible rooms available?" to "You get what you pay for." The Bon Aire section usually starts at around $100/ night.

IMO- I have been to CP so many times that I want to stay in the nicer rooms with the higher price because I tend to spend more time in the room. Now if I was in the position that I will spend more time in the park, I'll stay in the Bon Aire section. Why spend the bigger bucks on a room that you will hardly be in?

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