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Gun No Fun At Disney World

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Guest kwindshawne

I still can't figure the need for someone to bring a gun to an amusement park. Last summer I got into a conversation with a guy at KI's gate, and since he had a ccw permit, he wondered if he could bring his gun to the park. :blink: My question is "why"?

Growing up my aunt and uncle from kentucky would come up-my aunt carried one in her purse, and my uncle was a park ranger and regularly brought his two handguns up as well. I remember them leaving them sitting on a table in our living room during the visit-we were taught from day 1 not to touch them. Still, I don't understand why anyone would bring one to an amusement park. Whats the need to do that?

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How do you accidentally forget a gun is in your purse? I am sure there are multiple signs stating no weapons before you get to the gate like she did. At KI, there are signs before you can pay for parking.

This, my friends, is why I am glad that we have metal detection. Yes, it takes extra time to get into the park, but it makes me feel alot better that the only ones who have guns in the park is the police.

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Guest kwindshawne
...as long as the guns are metal....unfortunately, there are non-metallic guns in this world, not to mention many other threats that are not metallic.

Metal detectors are like locks...they help to keep mostly honest people honest. They are a mild deterrent, at best, to the devious and up-to-no-good.

Wouldn't the part that actually discharges the bullet have to be metal? I can't comprehend that part being plastic at all. I know squirt guns are not allowed in either, I am assuming for this reason.

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I learned something this morning!




So, I was NOT right about the plastic guns! :)

I had been informed otherwise by several security people I know, but you, kwindshawne, are right...

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Guest kwindshawne
I learned something this morning!




So, I was NOT right about the plastic guns! :)

I had been informed otherwise by seveal security people I know, but you, kwindshawne, are right...

I can see with technology something like that happening in the future....that is a scary thought, however, detectors I would hope are being upgraded to keep up with that.

Personally, going somewhere where there are detectors makes me a little more comfortable knowing I don't have to face the reality of the world we live in and can actually enjoy where I am without worrying.

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I still can't figure the need for someone to bring a gun to an amusement park. Last summer I got into a conversation with a guy at KI's gate, and since he had a ccw permit, he wondered if he could bring his gun to the park. :blink: My question is "why"?

First let me say that I agree with you about guns having no place in an amusement park, with the exception of the park police officers.

This has been a hot topic on why people should be able to carry arms in public places as of late with all of the shootings around the nation. Right now a business can prohibit guns on their premises, like KI does. But the argument is that a sign isn’t going to keep a person who wants to go into somewhere like a mall and open fire on a larger crowd from doing it. If you think about it, those signs render the customers of that business helpless in a situation like the one that happened in Omaha.

The only real difference between a mall and an amusement park is that most parks take that extra step to provide safety and to prevent this type of incident from happening at an amusement park (example: metal detectors & park police). Malls don’t have metal detectors at every entrance (at least not yet).

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I still can't figure the need for someone to bring a gun to an amusement park. Last summer I got into a conversation with a guy at KI's gate, and since he had a ccw permit, he wondered if he could bring his gun to the park. :blink: My question is "why"?

First let me say that I agree with you about guns having no place in an amusement park, with the exception of the park police officers.

This has been a hot topic on why people should be able to carry arms in public places as of late with all of the shootings around the nation. Right now a business can prohibit guns on their premises, like KI does. But the argument is that a sign isn’t going to keep a person who wants to go into somewhere like a mall and open fire on a larger crowd from doing it. If you think about it, those signs render the customers of that business helpless in a situation like the one that happened in Omaha.

The only real difference between a mall and an amusement park is that most parks take that extra step to provide safety and to prevent this type of incident from happening at an amusement park (example: metal detectors & park police). Malls don’t have metal detectors at every entrance (at least not yet).

I have some serious doubts about metal detection coming to malls anytime soon. I think some mall management may think it will drive away business. Plus, think how many metal detection areas you will need in your local mall if all the anchor stores entrances and mall entrances had metal detectors there. I couldnt imagine the chaos of Black Friday or any holiday shopping for that matter.

I went to the Dayton Mall on last Saturday and I noticed a few police officers walking around, but thats nothing new from previous holiday shopping seasons that I have seen there.

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