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KI Man's Movie World AU Trip!

Ki Man

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Hey guys! Another big TR!

I went Movie World on Sunday, trying to get over the fact that Superman was going to be down and down the whole time I'm here. We got to the park around 11:30 or 12.

I really liked this park. It's a smaller park than Dreamworld, but still had tons of rides/attractions to offer. the whole park is beautifuly landscaped and themed. There's four areas to the park, from what I saw. What you first walk into is the 'Superhero' section of the park with Superman and Batman rides. From where you walk into the park to the right and a little zig zag was the "main street" area. It was walking on a 'street' and there were shops to the left and right, along with different rides and shows. To the right off the main street was the Warner Bros. Kids area. To the left was the Wild West portion of the park with the Australia version of Splash Mountain. And finally there's a back alley you travel down to get to Lethal Weapon. The park wasn't too crowded at all. The most I waited was probably 20 minutes for Wild West and Scooby about mid day...the rest of the day the crowds died.

Here are my ride reviews:

Scooby Doo:

Wow, I really didn't know what to expect from an indoor Wild Mouse. The moment you stepped inside it felt like you were in this haunted castle. There were gargoyles sitting around and monsters on the fountains. There was a video playing about the SD Movie and a bit about the ride. Once you got through the open queue area, you walked down a darker hallway and into the station. Great ride ops kept the cars and line moving. There's 3 different parts to this highly themed ride. The moment you depart the station you enter through swinging doors and Scooby is warning you about ghosts or something. You drop down past falling knights and hit a trim, only to be sped up by tires. You dodge monsters, ghouls, swinging axes and 'other cars' before you stop at a dead end. Two cars load on this elevator and it starts to go up as you hear "Scoooby...where are you?" .."I'm up heeere!" And then the elevator starts to tilt to the left and right. You stop and wait for a minute as the car behind you dispatches. All of a sudden you roll backwards down a big drop! One of those great Wild Mouse airtime moments before you skid to a stop. You can barely see the rest of the typical Wild Mouse back and forth hair pin turns. But this is awesome because you're in the dark, strobes, lights, and lasers are going all over...and party music is blasting! You car spins around to forewards and you dispatch down the hairpin turns. Six out of my seven rides were trimless! There's a few awesome unexpected drops you can't see that give great airtime. You slow down and head into a room and Scooby says something I couldn't understand. Another small dip and you turn into the exit platform.

I loved this ride. It was absolutely fun every time I rode it! Each time I noticed something new, but still got surprised by different ghosts, turns, and drops. It's a fantastic coaster and would have rivaled Superman! Deffinately a top ten coaster for me. A+

Lethal Weapon:

Great queue as you will see in an upcoming video...but the ride....myehhh. It's funny because it seems they are trying to hide the ride from everybody 'cause the only entrance is this narrow alley!

Well, it was my first SLC. It looked like it would be good with the themeing, a new coat of paint on it, and new/unblemished looking trains. Oh...and it's not *JUST* a regular old SLC...it's an SLC with a bonus Helix!!!! So the layout of the ride was cool. The first drop and heart-loop was smooth in the front....but holy crap, the rest was hell. Right now both my shoulders are sore from the many parts where my whole body was thrown side to side. Ughh....so much headbanging! The double roll was the WORST. Some guy's ears were bleeding because he had these earings in. I think a smooth SLC would be good....but darn, this ride is Lethal! D

Wild, Wild West:

This ride was really cool! It had a couple parts similar to Splash Mountain, but not as much action. It was a well themed ride with lots of interactive scenes. Some where you go backwards! It was very liesurely through most parts, just coasting and watching the scenes until you got to the 65ft drop! A very good drop and splash...you got wet, but you weren't drenched. B

After a few rides we got some food in the Wild West section of the park...Mmm, Apache Burger.

Next we went to the Police Academy Stunt show! It was really funny and really cool. There were many explosions, including one MASSIVE fireball at the end. It was pretty far away, but darn was it hot! There was this cool guy on a golf cart doing wheelies, a guy in a Hot Rod drifting and sliding back and forth, along with police cars sliding left and right. It was about a 30 minute show and I loved every minute of it! SEE THIS IF YOU GO! A+

After the show we went to the bumper cars. kinda hidden inside the acrade. These were different buper cars....they didn't have the rod that goes up to a cage above you, it was like they were 'wireless'. A few fun runs was nessicary!

Next we went into the Kids section of the park, fitting because we had two girls under 3 with us. I got my credit on the Road Runner express....fun little ride but bad whiplash on the brakes. Just when I thought it cuold be a good little Vekoma, it got me when I least expected! Then we decided to go on the Looney Tunes Rive Adventure. Woooow...what a confusing waste of time. You go into these studios and find that Bugs has dissapeared down a hole...so you get into this machine that dives down through the ground and you end up in Australia. Oh, you 'magically entered into Hollywood' when you entered the ride. Soo...you went from Australia...to Hollywood....back to Australia. And you ride around and the lame animatronics say something at each corner until you end up sliding down to a little splash finish. So confusing...so lame.

After that we decided to try Lethal Weapon again in the front, hoping it was smoother.....WRONG. It was actually worse than the back. After LW, we got about 4 more rides on Scooby Doo. Then headed to the Superhero section of the park.


It's a 180ft tall S&S space shot. Better than CP's Power Tower! It had a really cool launch (see video) and had GREAT ejector air on the first launch. Then you got two more bounces with a bit of floater air, surprisingly. B+

Batman The Adventure 2:

Where's Batman one? You walk into Batman's library and watch this festival down town. Something goes off and you head into the Batcave. From there you are told that Heath Ledger, Arnold Schwartzenegger, and Hallie Berry are on the loose. You get in this new vehicle and track them down, destroying one at a time starting with Ledger. Apparently he was back from the dead threatening Bush to pass the Gay Marriage act before his rule ended. Arnold was having a problem with the fires in LA and wanted to steal this massive diamond to power his ice cannon. And I didn't know what Hallie wanted, she was trying to help with Arnold. It's one of those simulators, by the way.

So after that I got a few more rides on Batwing, Scooby, and WWW before heading out with some ice cream. Thanks for reading if you did and enjoy they pics and vids!


It's Hollywood on the Gold Coast!


Best Movie World entrance?




Time for the biggest surprise of the trip.


Mmm...lotsa theming! Just like the movie, too!


This wasn't much of a surprise...


My first SLC.....why was I smiling, I do not know. Maybe because I just got off Scooby.


It looks so fun....so shiny...but it's soooo $%!&ing baddd!!!!


Mmm...extra helix, the only smooth part.


Such a nice park. Movie World loves their perfectly trimmed trees.


Over to Wild Wild West! Only about a 20 minute wait...but it's hot out there.


Your fate awaits you. Yay buzz bars on log flumes!


Grr. Me angry. Me drive glitery wireless bumpercar.


Up next is the Police Academy Stunt Show! Not many pics, but I took videos....which aren't working for some reason.


This guy ruled. He only communicated with a whistle and managed to have everyone rolling on the floor with laughter for 20 minutes.


Need wetness to obtain a good drifting area...and happy crowd.


Try to guess the staged character.



If you guessed this guy, you win! LOL, his name is Rodney.

That's not all, folks!

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Where is that park at? that is pretty much as excellent ride theming / consistency as you can possibly get.

This also begs the question of why can Kings Island / Cedar Point, etc... get the whole theming thing going.

Paramount i think hit a homerun with the theming on Tomb Raider and I hope CF doesn't kill it by "turning a bunch of florescent lights on and making it a line."

Most, if not all, of Cedar Points lines for their main attractions are just that.... lines. Not much theming whatsoever. Paramount had "streaks of brilliance"- but for the most part were pretty shy as well. FOF has goodl line theming, IJST had "OK" theming, Top Gun was pretty good (when everything worked). Universal Florida makes standing in the 60-minut line part of the experience. Dueling Dragons castle is pretty interesting just being in the line. Most of our lines are just turnstiles (see SOB).

it would be nice if the next ride had a line that was just as much themeing as the hype around the ride.

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Gold Coast, Australia....all the themeparks in Australia are within 20 minutes of each other.

You mean, "Why can't KI/CP get the whole theming going?" you said can.

I wouldn't say IJST has theming in line at all. Just a few witty signs is all...

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Back to Movie World!


Here at the Police Academy Stunt Show, the two villains have escaped! This guy is getting away on a motorcycle.


Through those doors is the "magical portal to Hollywood."


Yay another credit! And it's a themed kiddie vekoma.


These cars were awesome. Wiley says "Let's go blow up that bird!"


Ugho......back to Lethal Vekoma.


I did like the drop and sharp turn though, it was smooth...


Ohh....man, the guy on the left is taking a hard hit to the face. A common LW occurance.


Dress it up with a nice coat of paint, give it a great theme and surrounding area, give it a bonus helix...but it's still a true Vekoma SLC :\


Heading back to the Superhero section of the park, you can see the "Hollywood" theme.


Paalllleeeaaaassseeee open?


Mm....look at that nice top hat.


Batman has his own cave, motorcycle, car, armored mobile tank, probably a boat....so why not his own SPACESHIP!




It's my turn to save Gotham City.


Yay for my first Batman ride. It was a pretty darn good S&S, too. Beats Power Tower.


I'm in the Batcave!!! Batman is hiding in the shadows.


Mmm....I'll come back for ya.


Superman has Escaped me this time.


Flying while intoxicated?


Nice hill, does it come in 90*?


Ah, now that looks more like it.


Airtime, much?


Back to Wild West Falls before the park closes.


Some aussies I met in the park...my "American Accent" kinda made me stand out. Oh, there's the station.


The WWF overview. The park pretty much dead ends here.


Almost got all of the sign.....oh well, this ride kicks major butt. I love Scooby!


Leaving the park I saw that one chick again, and I had to get my pic with the entrance. Later Movie World...see you tomorrow!

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