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Danes Review of FearFest


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First off, that actors this year are great. Altho some may be young, it adds to some off the rooms. All of them were extremely nice too.

House of Darkness

Some has changed since last year... all for the better. There is alot more effects and theming than last year. High ranking rooms are the Girls Bedroom where all is cool than things go sour. The buzzkill table was pretty cool too towards the end. And who can forget the electrocution dummy who has been cookin since the first FearFest 5 years ago.

Curse of the Crypt

Some differences since last year but not a whole lot. the Meister of the Crypt has returned from last year. Thats how good he is that I can remember him. This one still has you on your hands and knees pleading for mercy.

Circus of Horrors

Got sidetracked, never went in...

Maze of Madness

Very, very trippy with all the mirrors and strobes, very good actors in this one too. They do a good job freaking out the girls so be warned. Also the one bald guy outside of the Maze has returned, hes always the life of the party.

Psycho Path

Seems to be the scarriest, woods, fog, caves, hillbillies, graveyard, and who knows what may show up. Just remember to stay off Mr. Jones property, hes got some shine in him. B)

I got a tour of Sleepy Hollow Horror. Lets just say... Route 66 is nothing compared to what SHH will be.

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