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Theme Parks Preparing For Long, Dry Summer

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But, Mr. Kinzel thinks you will come more often (or at least as often as you ever did) as it costs too much to go to Disney and Kings Island is close to home...

Why am I reminded of the old, old Six Flags commercials? "Bigger than Disneyland*, and closer to home?"

*except Astroworld.

And yes, the asterisk and footnote appeared in the original commercials!

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But, Mr. Kinzel thinks you will come more often as it costs too much to go to Disney and Kings Island is close to home...

Why am I reminded of the old, old Six Flags commercials? "Bigger than Disneyland*, and closer to home?"

*except Astroworld.

And yes, the asterisk and footnote appeared in the original commercials!

In the commercial, it doesn't really say "Except Astroworld" does it? :lol:

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Those were old commercials. And they certainly did exclude Astroworld--they had to, it was smaller than Disneyland, and the only Six Flags park then that was. And note the size comparison was to DisneyLAND...certainly not WDW...though most potential guests in the East probably never caught on that it was to Disneyland that the comparison was made! Disneyland is a very small park, and a great deal of fun!

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Well he can think what he wants too but I have not and will not cancel our Disney Vacation which includes Free Dinning (Disney Promotion) plus free transportation (excluding air fare). I asked my brother if they want to go with us to Kings Island he said “no were saving for the Disney trip” they have also turned down going out to dinner a couple times with the same reasoning. So in our own circle Disney seems to be the choice with dinner and day trips being cut back.

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And I think that is what MOST people will do...save limited funds for that which is really, really special and a major getaway, and cut down or even cut out visits to the local parks. I know I, for one, am not cutting down on my trips to Great Adventure or Six Flags Over Georgia, but I am drastically cutting back on trips to Cedar Point, Kings Island and Carowinds....and the in park pricing at Cedar Fair has helped to contribute to that....I am reminded how much I already spent on a Platinum Pass (more than two and a half times what my Six Flags pass cost me), gas to get there and on lodging when the clerk at LaRosa's wants approximately ten dollars for two slices of pizza and a soft drink or when a large soft drink and a cup of potatoes costs more than that at Potato Works. I still think high in park pricing is going to help greatly reduce visitation, both later this year and in the future.

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I agree with you Interp about driving guests away with high Cedar Fair pricing as I have in the past, I think it takes a couple years for Cedar Fair to see a pattern of slowing guest’s visits and think they will start to see it very soon.

I think a lot of the Gold Season Pass Perks are more self serving to the parks than a benefit to the holders. I am not trying to bash the park but in my opinion they really need to start thinking about what the guests want and what will attract the guests to want to come more often, especially with the economical time and that will serve the parks the best in my opinion.

In other words; give the guests what they want, they will happily pay for it.

ETA; grammar and summery

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