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A fun 2 hours Sunday the 1st

Ki Man

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A mini TR for you all.

Got to come in 2 hours before my shift yesterday and ride some rides.

For my first ride on 'Invertigo' for this season. Wow, still one of my favorite rides at KI. The front seat is just an awesome intense ride! Can't wait to get on Batman Friday!

Next I headed over to 'Drop Tower' and got three consecutive rides. Mmm...my favorite part of Kings Island. Love that drop! It's great that it's spinning on the way up again..7 more rides later for a total of 10. Safe to say I'm addicted? I think so.

Went over to Son of Beast next. I've been really strict on getting the front seat to be safe. Well, I couldn't help but wonder how the back was. Previously, it wasn't much different...and even had some airtime to offer. So I skipped my little front seat 'safe zone' and headed for the back. All in all about a 20 minute wait. Heading up to the lift, very shaky. The drop was pretty good, a little bit of airtime. The helix was veryyy shaky, and the CBR has been on pretty hard this year, at least to what I think. The drop down to the second helix was pretty good, kinda unique. Second helix has always been fine, IMO. Up and around then swooping down gave a small pop, then head up into the brake run and then pulling around into the station.

I'm going to have to go with the front seat for this ride. I don't think it's rough, and the ride never seems to bother me. I have fun on pretty much every coaster ride. I just love coasters! I totally get why people say it's boring, but hey..it's still a fun coaster in my opinion. It's got a nice big drop, and doesn't let up on the speed and lateral g's. I'll ride this pretty much every park visit, but I'm sticking to the front...don't see any reason to change now.

Oh, on the way down the tower on Drop Tower, I felt a really sharp sting before we hit the brakes. Well, I looked around and got out of my seat and found a quarter. I had a nice welt on my neck for the rest of the day. Thanks jackass!

Listen to the laws and rules of both the STATE and PARK people! I know the coin trick is tempting, but seriously...go watch the video with the guy making the banana float on Goliath and Superman at SFMM!

-KI 'Getting ready for Acrophobia ad SFOG on Friday!!' Man

Oh, and I kept the quarter.

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