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Dayton Air Show Losing Money

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I have one word for this: Doesn't that stink, this show has been going down hill since '03. One thing they could do is get rid of the trade show mentality of the whole thing. Concentrate on bringing the performers closer to the crowds. This past year you could not get a good picture of the F104's because they were behind the F-22's. The show runway seems like it is 3 miles away, and don't get me started on show front space, so much but so little used. The only good part I liked about this years show was all of the static that let you walk and or sit in the planes.

(As for the one word part, just pick a word and ignore the rest.)

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Thought I would put this here instead of starting a new topic. Kent Shockley was at the Dayton Air Show this year, and put on a good show with lots of smoke in his jet truck Shockwave. Well one of his chutes did not open and caused him to run off the side of the runway at the Great New England Air Show in Westover. He is ok, but his toy is damaged. I am sure he will rebuild, after all it is a family buisness.



Found a video, not that great but.....

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Thought I would put this here instead of starting a new topic. Kent Shockley was at the Dayton Air Show this year, and put on a good show with lots of smoke in his jet truck Shockwave. Well one of his chutes did not open and caused him to run off the side of the runway at the Great New England Air Show in Westover. He is ok, but his toy is damaged. I am sure he will rebuild, after all it is a family buisness.



Found a video, not that great but.....

Thank Gad he's ok. He has always put on a great show. As we know from last year's Dayton Air Show, others have not been so fortunate.

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