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Question about Slingshot


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I can't remember where I read this, but someone said that there's a certain way to make the cage spin like crazy while you're in the air.

While on Skyscraper at Cedar Point this weekend, I figured out that if you point your legs forward, then tuck them under real fast and point your arms forward, you can get that seat to flip about 4 times. So I was wondering if there was a way to do that with Slingshot.

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Last year a self-proclaimed Slingshot vet (told me he'd been on it over 75 times since it was the only thrilling ride at KI) told me to just lunge your head and upperbody forward (like a somersault) and you can get it to flip that way.

He also said once you get some speed on one good flip, that'll take care of the rest, and you can usually get 6-7 good flips without having to do anything.

Sadly I really couldn't get anything going myself, and only got the 2-3 flips you naturally get anyway.

This guy I talked to was like mid-40's, brown hair, beard, red jacket, and had a 20-something step-daughter who despite having gone on 25+ rides with him was still scared of riding!?! Anyone ever see this guy at KI??

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It isn't that hard to do. I can make make the cage flip over and over and over again. I got it to flip so I was upside down and stayed that way for several seconds as it was lowering at the end. It is all about both people timing the leg kicking.

In my opinion getting the monster pods to spin while the ride is stationary is more difficult - and I can do that too. The guy known as Alien Seed on these forums taught me that trick.

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