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10/18/08 trip report. C-R-O-W-D-E-D whats that spell!


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ok. we left our house at about 3 got there at like 4.

we headed to the back of the park to ride Vortex.

the line was all the way by shake rattle and roll but decided to ride it took 45 min. i hate the front seat and decided to sit in the back. All i have to say is wow. i always liked the first drop it always takes my breath away. after a exciting ride on Vortex we headed down coney mall and went on Adventure Express which its line was nearly to the entrance but only had to wait 20 minutes. by then it was getting kind of late. ready for HH to start. we went to ride flight deck and the line was all the way by the candy machines. we then headed out of the park to taco bell. YUMMMMM

2 cheesy beef and rice burritos gotta love the 89 cent food.

headed back to the park at 615.

waited in line for massacre manor to open and noticed the urgent scare people going to the haunt with the victims from the rakes Helbig hospital. they were almost ghostly.

got out of massacre manor at 730. this haunt was better than opening night. the fog was more intense with more strobes but less scareactors.

headed toward trail of terror to notice i had mysteriously met up with a friend from school who was directly in fornt of me in line. so we went through together and i noticed they have new signs throughout. more chainsaw guys but not as good as the following 2 nights i went.

we then lefted there going to FOF anf FH but the lines were 2 hrs each so decided to wait in line for urgent scare. it exceeded to zephyr but we still waited. 2 1/2 hours later we got out and were dissapointed. it was better opening night then only thing that was pretty cool was the part your in a room with a doctor and he cant see and he trys to kill you. the rest was ok. it was about 1030 35 degrees freezing cold and they had water on at the exit for you to walk through it was so so cold.

it was 11 when we got out. we headed to the worksite and it was a walk on then we went to a freezing ride on Adventure Express walk on.

then to club blood were i once again had a little conversation with the bouncer. the haunt overall was better opening night.

we then headed to Son of Beast with a full quele only headed to third from front it was really smooth.

it was 1230 and headed to cornstalkers then we lefted.

got home at 130

thanks for reading.

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I went in all haunts but red beard and the haunt zones. death row was by far the best. it was just like the first time i went through it when it was asylum 4 years ago. i couldnt see much got our group lost a few times lol. at one point i was trying to walk through a mirror lol

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I was there last night as well. Very crowded. We went through Redbeard's Revenge first. I think that was the best haunt I've been through at KI. A lot of good scares. We then waited about 40 minutes for The Cemetery. That was pretty disappointing. Our group was about 40 people and we were at the very end, so we saw all of the scareactors before they tried to scare us. Then we got in line for Urgent scare, but after waiting 20 minutes and moving about 80 feet, we decided that line was waaay too long. So I hit the Worksite and then left. Nonetheless still fun.

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ya the funny thing is i have been on this website for a while i think a year. but i usually just read the posts not reply to them but i actually have been lately i think i have had like 30 posts now in a week so ya!!!!!!!. i will keep this up hopefully.

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C-R-O-W-D-E-D whats that spell!

I was out on the first round of the last spelling bee that I participated in, but I think it spells N-I-C-K-L-E-S?




Terpy, who just HAD to

By the way, it costs the mint 9 cents to make a nickel!


Well the word that got me at the spelling bee was D-I-M-Z-S

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then to club blood were i once again had a little conversation with the bouncer. the haunt overall was better opening night.

We did have another encounter. This morning I posted this in your other TR before I saw this one...

So, I understand there was another encounter between pkiruler102 and the bouncer this past Saturday.

Good to see you again! I just don't understand how you managed to escape my friends inside last time. As Bouncer (aka Chief Security Officer) for Club Blood, I really need to find out how all our visitors are getting away! Maybe we have a catch and release progam I wasn't aware of... :lol:

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