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What Do You Hold?


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Many, many ACErs wear dark sunglasses on coasters...others love dark rides..not just for the increased speed, but also for the lack of being able to see. Why else would so many beg Jeff Seibert for so long to turn out all the darned lights Paramount saw fit to install on The Beast's course? Have you noticed that it seems that for the most part, as said lights burn out, they are not being replaced?

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The power they consume is a lot more in terms of nickels than is the original cost. And there is the cost to replace the bulbs more frequently than if they are not used or if a more efficient, longer lasting light source is used. That's two of the reasons compact florescent can save so much money...yet people see the relatively high original cost and buy the "cheap" incandescent. Yes, I am aware of the so-called mercury issue...but more mercury is emitted by the coal that would be burned to generate the electricity the compact florescent won't be using.....and some day, LED's will make even the CFL's obsolete....

But I digress...back to what do you hold on to when not looking or looking on a rolley coaster....

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No, you still didn't get it...if you had, you would have seen his pun...he didn't just say he had to, he said he had too, as in also, just like Terpy, for instance.

As for Pop-Tarts (UGH), are you having two? Or knowing you, are you having to (as in Trooper Mom is making you eat something)?

Terpy just pulled a Terpy! LOL

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never, ever hold onto anything!!!!! learning to let go will bring great joy to your life and less pain on SOB.

I hold the top bars on son-that way to brace myelf for that one-doesn't help, it still beats me up-I am through with son. On the other hand, I don't hang on at Beast at all-that one loosens my back. Vortex the handles on the restraints-same issue with head banging. Racers-depends how rough that day. This year, hands up as well. In my younger days before seat belts and head rests, I never held on-was the only way to go.

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