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A Comment on FUN

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...At Cedar Fair LP (symbol: FUN) in Sandusky, which fell 32 percent, investors are worried about the company’s ability to continue paying dividends that reached $1.92 a share annually last year, Ms. Bolanis added.

The firm operates amusement parks, including Cedar Point in Sandusky, across the United States and in Canada...


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Stock price alone means virtually nothing. One must take the per share price and multiply it by the number of shares outstanding to arrive at market capitalization. By ANY measure, SIX is hurting and hurting badly...and probably not long for this world under current management. Its current market capitalization is around $35 million, or about what the minimum bid was for Hard Rock Park!

FUN, on the other hand, has declined, though nowhere near as precipitously. FUN's market capitalization, last I checked, was a bit less than $720 million, or less than 60 percent of what they paid for the Paramount Parks alone! Both companies have staggering debt levels. FUN's current debt is an estimated $1.7 billion. SIX owes $2.12 billion.

Again, share price alone means nothing. Bershire-Hathaway (BRK-A), as an example, was down $3950 {THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS} PER SHARE on Friday. I wish I owned a share!

Lastly, you said at least "we" aren't selling for what is it now, 36 cents? WE? Are you now a manager, employee or unit holder of Cedar Fair?

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