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Boy, 6, Killed By Debris At Monster Truck Show

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The 6-year-old Puyallup boy who died after being struck in the head by a metal object at a monster-truck show at the Tacoma Dome was a "kid's kid" who loved trucks and dirt.

Sebastian Hizey was shy around strangers but was fun-loving and had been looking forward to his first truck show where he didn't have to wear earplugs, said Marty Dwyer of Puyallup, the former husband of Sebastian's stepmother. The shows were a bit too loud for him when he was younger but he got used to the noise as he grew older, Dwyer said....

Witnesses said a red truck was doing doughnuts — driving in tight circles — when debris flew 30 to 50 feet over a safety barrier and into the stands. Some told the TV station they had to throw cups off the stands to get the attention of medics.

It was not clear Saturday whether any public agency will conduct its own investigation. Police spokesman Fulghum said he doesn't expect a full police probe because it was "more an industrial-type accident."

Elaine Fischer, spokeswoman for the State Department of Labor and Industries' safety program, said her agency wouldn't likely get involved because it wasn't a workplace-safety issue or one of the two kinds of public-safety issues it regulates: amusement park rides and go-carts....


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O so sorry to the family heart goes out to them.Iam taking my 3 year old soon to his first this coming Sat the 24th to Monster Jam.Was it a Monster Jam event or a local show?Also wonder what change could/should be made to keep the fans safe.Maybe they could put a 10foot hockey plex glass around the track.

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