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Jaguar Attack At Maryland Zoo Investigated

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From http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-01-19-zoo_N.htm:

The Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo's website shows zoo visitors reaching from an open safari truck, touching and feeding large herbivores. The site urges visitors to "get stalked by a tiger, jaguar or lion and live to tell the tale."

What an unfortunate choice of words. Which surprisingly have not yet been changed...

Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo

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The bottom line is that somehow the jaguar opened the door and entered upon where she was in the enclosure

Why is it the first thing that came to mind when I read this article was the scene from Jurassic Park when they say that they have a Velociraptor trapped, unless they have figured out how to open doors. Well they did and looks like this jaguar did as well.

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