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SIX one of 15 "Companies That May Not Survive 2009"

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....Six Flags. (SIX; about 30,000 employees; stock down 84%). This theme-park operator has been losing money for several years, and selling off properties to try to pay down debt and get back into the black. But the ride may end prematurely. Moody’s expects cash flow to be negative in 2009, and if consumers aren’t spending during the peak summer season, that could imperil the company’s ability to pay debts coming due later this year and in 2010....


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Im shocked Six is hanging on like they have. I see them much smaller in 2010 and on.

The sign of times, Trump and Station Casinos. I must wonder though about Station Casinos and if their issues will have any effect on the Fertita's other big investment the UFC, although it has been quite profitable over the past few years?

Funny but my overall observation is that a lot of these companies over expaneded in the 90's and are paying for it now.

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