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Hands Up or Down?


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  Rollercoast19 said:
Not a stupid question at all. I believe it to be the first helix.

Ah. Then that's understandable. It tried to kill me with the old trains.

The lapbar clicked down one more notch going around the bottom of that helix and it was one notch beyond the point I could breathe. I spent the rest of the ride in pretty much sheer terror fighting to breathe. I never rode in the front seat of the car after that.

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  KIFAN! said:
  markr said:
The "head chop" portion of Gemini intimidates me- I lower my hands onto my head at that part of the ride.

I am always forced to put my hands down heading into the first and last tunnels on The Beast. it always looks like my hands are ganna get chopped off. One of these days I will be able to keep them up in those tunnels... one of these days...

I always want to automatically lower my hands at MF's tunnels.. I always think for a split second that the tips of my fingers are going to get sliced off. :lol:

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On almost all rides at KI, I have my hands down. There are two exceptions - The Racer and Firehawk. I hadn't ridden the forward Racer until last season and decided to throw my hands up on it and had one of the best ride experiences of my life. Firehawk is a MUST for putting my hands up. There's just no other way for me to get that incomprehensible feeling of human flight. I might just have to go hands up on all rides this year and see if I like it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  skaterboy22101 said:
  Tom76257 said:
Firehawk is a MUST for putting my hands up.

I thought on Firehawk we put our hands down, not up!

Zach who just had to..

More like out, but you know what I mean. :P Only 3 more days left before I ride Kings Island's only B & M, Ohio's only flying coaster, the world's longest wooden roller coaster, the world's tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster, the coaster that sparked a new age of coaster building, and the only face-to-face inverted coaster in the Midwest. And some people say that Kings Island isn't that great! Can you tell I'm exicted for Opening Day?!

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