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Press Release: Harry Potter Camp at EnterTRAINment Junction

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Harry Potter Camp Apr. 25-26

At EnterTRAINment Junction

Need more magic in your life?

Better reserve your space now for the enchanting Harry Potter Camp set for April 25-26 at EnterTRAINment Junction in West Chester. The Harry Potter Camp is presented by the Kingsbury Institute.

The Camp is back by popular demand at EnterTRAINment Junction, which hosted a similar Harry Potter weekend in early March.

The upcoming Camp, called “The Magic Within,” immerses visitors into the fictional world of Hogwarts School of Magic. The Camp includes a full schedule of games, crafts and activities like potion-making, charms, wand-making and meeting magical creatures from the Harry Potter legend.

There are two three-hour Camp sessions each day, running from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Cost of Harry Potter Camp is $30, and includes all craft materials, snacks and handouts. Space is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

To make reservations, interested parties can charge-by-phone by calling (513) 898-8000, and asking for the Harry Potter Camp.

In addition, for the bargain price of $10.50, Harry Potter Camp ticketholders and their families can also enjoy the excitement of EnterTRAINment Junction’s outstanding attractions -- EnterTrainment Journey and Funhouse Junction.

EnterTrainment Journey includes the world’s largest indoor model train display, a giant interactive kids’ play area, the American Railroading Museum and an expo center. Funhouse Junction is an a-MAZEing walk-through experience like the old time amusement park funhouse, with a mirror maze, a Vortex tunnel, a hurricane room, and more.

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