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Eurocoaster Phenomenon!

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I was just at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota last week. Ok, the entire park (Nickelodeon Universe) is themed to nickelodeon, so all the rides are just like our section of the park, right? Well, if you agree with me, you are absolutely wrong! Nickelodeon universe has five "World Class" rollercoasters. Ok, three coasters I think can compete with SOME of Kings Islands rollercoasters. You could immediately compare the Pepsi Orange Streak with Adventure Express, Avatar is related to our Avatar, and Tak Attack with the Crypt. One you cant compare is their only looping coaster. Spongebob's Rock Bottom Plunge. At first I compared it to Flight of Fear. After I rode it, It was almost like nothing at Kings Island could give you the same experience. I personally think that Kings Island has much better rollercoasters than it. Although, if you ever get the chance, ride a eurocoaster! Saw The Ride is an example of a eurocoaster.

ps. Tak Attack is not a rollercoaster and Spongebobs RBP is WAY to short.

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Nickelodeon universe is not the best place to go if you want to a decent theme park. The have a point system. The cheapest ride costs 3 points to ride. That ride costs 3.33$! To ride a ferris wheel it costs 4.44$! Unless you plan on going for more than one day, I suggest you get the day pass for 30$ It may cost a ton, but it is a better deal to spend all day on 30.00$ than to spend one hour with 30.00$ <_<

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