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10 companies that could go bankrupt

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And SIX is one of them.


Six Flags

Six Flags (SIX, news, msgs), the owner of more than 20 U.S. theme parks, is scarier for investors than the Dare Devil Dive, a ride at the company's Great Adventure & Wild Safari park in New Jersey. The company has a ton of debt and seemingly not enough money coming in to pay it off by the due dates.

At the end of last year, the company had about $2.1 billion in debt, according to Standard & Poor's, which cut Six Flags' credit rating last month. The company lost about $37.8 million in 2008 and $70.6 million in 2007, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The company also has bills coming due. Six Flags must pay holders of certain preferred income shares, known as PIERS, $287.5 million, plus $31.3 million in accrued and unpaid dividends, by Aug. 15. If Six Flags can't pay and can't refinance its debt obligations, it will be considered in default, which will trigger provisions in other loans requiring that some creditors are paid early.

Also, a little on SFNO.


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That pic of SFNO is awful..who can blame them for not wanting to dump the money into it? I think New Orleans is a mistake anyway..I mean, how much sense does it make to build a city in a dried out bowl......and Katrina was natures way of trying to get us to realize that. I had stubborn relatives in Slidell who barely escaped with their lives-they were in a closet and were neck deep in water when the storm finally passed...they crawled to the top of the small closet to escape and scatttered in several states before being reunited. My distant cousin stayed up here..he is afraid to go back.....

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