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^I know "the list" is made up for fun, and no, I am not an Ace member...but I must admit that I find it very unfair to lump a whole group of people together...especially with such unkind generalizations...just as on this board not everyone is the same, neither are Acers. In my (few) years of attending these park events I have never personally met one that wasn't nice. At CWW I rode with one from Conneticut & one from Philadelphia...I couldn't have asked for anyone nicer to talk with. I even got a laugh out of both of them with the same line...when I asked them which organization that they were with, and after they said Ace...I said "OH, so you're one of THOSE!"...they both laughed really hard. When one of them asked who I was with...and after replying "a Kings Island fansite", I liked one of their comments...he said "Well, you're very lucky, you have a nice park here". (And for the record, out of the all of the things on "the list", the only thing that either of them "qualified" for was that they were probably over 40.)

Sorry if this comes off as preachy...but I think it makes this board look bad if no one defends the Ace members...it makes it look like we all agree that they are a bunch of losers...and I think that is far from the case.

LOL like Justin said, we did this out of sheer boredom and i still don't think we broke seeing 10?? and considering ppl like Giga is an Acer too we're not haters. This was our slap happy sleep deprived heads coming up with something to keep us entertained. They are great ppl to talk with in line, until you get the 1 or 2 who start getting preachy and putting down every single ride in your park... (refer to gator's (i think??) soap box) But they're a lot of fun, and i know that a good half the ppl on this site happen to be acers too and i dont think a one of them fits every description, except those that already called themselves out earlier ;)

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They are great ppl to talk with in line, until you get the 1 or 2 who start getting preachy and putting down every single ride in your park...

You wanna hear irony...the worst comment I overheard at CWW was from a member of this site...the member was telling some non-members that he/she only liked a couple of rides in the whole park! :lol:

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Most ACErs are indeed cool people. As several people have already pointed out, both myself (who created the list) and giga (my awesome coaster buddy) are members of ACE. It's a great club with a lot of great people. Unfortunately, it attracts a lot of not-so-great people. I have yet to meet anyone who is a "stereotypical ACEr" who isn't also a stuck up snob. I still couldn't get over the fact someone made a comment that I must not be a true enthusiast because I was wearing a KI shirt at KI. Who says that kind of thing? Also see Gator's TR about the jerk we ended up talking to at the Festhaus. Unfortunately, a lot of those who fit the stereotypical profile listed earlier (though not all) tend to think that their home park is the greatest and refuse to listen to what anyone else has to say, talk a lot of unfounded smack about great parks and rides, complain about things that make no sense and they have no right to be complaining about (such as being too big to fit in a ride, who's fault is that? Not the park's), and otherwise be general pains to those around them who are trying to enjoy themselves.

The stereotypical ones also tend to congregate in groups of others like them and shun anyone who does not conform to their standards.

The non-stereotypical ACErs are actually really cool and fun to hang out with, on top of being very knowledgeable about parks and rides everywhere. In fact, I'm sure Angie and I are not the only non-stereotypical ACErs that are on this board, and I have yet to find someone on this board that isn't cool.

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LOL, I only joined ACE for the coaster events. My trip to HoliWood Nights this month will be my first ever trip to Holiday World.. I imagine I won't be disappointed.

(I also got the coaster calendar for free.. I "accidentally" left the order form on the kitchen table around Christmas last year.. tee hee)

And bonus: since I'm an ACE member and a platinum passholder, I get into CoasterMania! for free. B)

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LOL, I only joined ACE for the coaster events. My trip to HoliWood Nights this month will be my first ever trip to Holiday World.. I imagine I won't be disappointed.

(I also got the coaster calendar for free.. I "accidentally" left the order form on the kitchen table around Christmas last year.. tee hee)

And bonus: since I'm an ACE member and a platinum passholder, I get into CoasterMania! for free. B)

You just have to rub it in, don't you? :P

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LOL, I only joined ACE for the coaster events. My trip to HoliWood Nights this month will be my first ever trip to Holiday World.. I imagine I won't be disappointed.

(I also got the coaster calendar for free.. I "accidentally" left the order form on the kitchen table around Christmas last year.. tee hee)

And bonus: since I'm an ACE member and a platinum passholder, I get into CoasterMania! for free. B)

You just have to rub it in, don't you? :P

didn't you know she was evil like that?! Oh wait... doesn't that mean you can take a guest? O:) <---dane really needs an angel smiley... :P)

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