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Son of Beast


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Has anyone else noticed that SOB seems to be losing popularity? SOB is the second tallest and fastest coaster in the whole park, but it it isn't even part of Kings Islands "Frightful Four" Coasters. I have never ridden SOB "yet" as i have now just gotten used to the massive coasters. By the way that most people sound, SOB is a very jerky ride. Maybe the park could just do a little bit of track and structural work "when Cedar Fair starts doing better financially" to make it smoother or even add on to it a little. Does anybody else think that Cedar Fair is dissing SOB?

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Sadly, it hasn't lost enough popularity for it to have been removed >.< I never was a fan of SoB. As I stated in another thread somewhere on here, I would very much like to see it reduced to a pile of smoldering ashes.

I highly doubt that CF will do any structural work to it anytime soon, but maybe if they did, my opinion would change. And they could do with some trains that were actually made specifically for SoB rather than these.

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You are aware that substantial and expensive alterations had to be done to those trains so they would work on Son of Beast? They can hardly be called off the shelf items. Also, Cedar Fair will do whatever structural work is necessary on Son of Beast, or they won't operate it. It's that simple. Cedar Fair is a leader in amusement park safety, and would never intentionally and unnecessarily risk the life, well-being and safety of any patron.

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You are aware that substantial and expensive alterations had to be done to those trains so they would work on Son of Beast? They can hardly be called off the shelf items. Also, Cedar Fair will do whatever structural work is necessary on Son of Beast, or they won't operate it. It's that simple. Cedar Fair is a leader in amusement park safety, and would never intentionally and unnecessarily risk the life, well-being and safety of any patron.

Yes I am well aware. I could hardly complain about a coaster if I knew that CF was doing everything possible to keep it in shape.

I'm simply saying that while the trains have been altered to work on the coaster, they're still not ideal for the coaster. And I am in no way, shape, or form trying to insult CF, just one of their (In my eyes anyway) less than satisfactory coasters.

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To be fair, it was there when they bought the park. What to do with it is now their issue. I am merely saying they endorsed a future for Son of Beast after the July 2006 incident...something I am not at all certain Viacom would have done, and that I am nearly certain CBS would not have...

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Cedar Fair has to pay all of it's employees to operate the ride and provide all of the utilities for the ride to operate correctly. I think they do a great job at keeping the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster out there running great and I think they want to keep the coaster in their possession.

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I do give much credit to Cedar Fair for reinstating Son of Beast's future after june, 2006. If CBS corp did still own the park, then it would probably just sitting there inactive to this day, if not PARTIALLY destroyed. I just think that maybe some more attention should go into improving the track and structure quality, as many of you have said, CF more than likely does like having the tallest and fastest wooden coaster. It is just depressing when a ride that a park calls its own unique experience just loses its popularity.

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Wait, it's still here? And how long has it been, ohh wow, 10 seasons? Dang! Most other parks would ditch the ride by then.

Seriously though, Son of Beast needs to be removed. Soon. The Son of Beast Lovers (All 10 of them) can make as much noise as they want, but almost everyone I talk to won't ride it because it's too rough (And I mean people as in "GP" people).

I'd love to see it gone. Please!

^Goofywdw: Your Point?

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An important lesson there, as well as from Top Thrill Dragster and then Kingda Ka...the biggest, most record-breaking does not necessarily mean most popular over time or even most fun. Midsized long lasting thrills (think Diamondback) may be far more financially prudent than getting into a world's record book that only a few geeks are about...

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^Goofywdw: Your Point?

"My point?"

It's quite simple. Hercules was built 11 years earlier than SoB. How can you compare the two when it comes to demolishing besides the fact that they are under Cedar Fair.

Easy. Cedar Fair made attempt after attempt after attempt to rectify the multiple problems with Hercules, Finally, they threw in the trowel. Viacom/CBS/Cedar Fair have made attempts after attempts after attempts to rectify the multiple problems with Son of Beast....

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^Goofywdw: Your Point?

"My point?"

It's quite simple. Hercules was built 11 years earlier than SoB. How can you compare the two when it comes to demolishing besides the fact that they are under Cedar Fair.

Easy. Cedar Fair made attempt after attempt after attempt to rectify the multiple problems with Hercules, Finally, they threw in the trowel. Viacom/CBS/Cedar Fair have made attempts after attempts after attempts to rectify the multiple problems with Son of Beast....

I'm not trying to be a brat or anything but are there really any problems with it right now besides the fact it is a "little" (tehe) rough especially in the rear of the train?

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I see more than 10 people in line for SoB everyday the park is open. Angrybeaver himself said he waited over an hour and a half to ride it. If people really didn't like it that much then why wait over and hour and a half to ride something you don't like?

Please don't make me say it again. Waits have NOTHING to do with popularity. Get over it.

Yeah, Beast Man and I waited an hour last Saturday. I didn't hear that many complaints coming off either, a lot of people were cheering.

You sure you weren't riding with other thoosies, correct? Because when I ride it I hear mostly "Owws!" and "What was that?" and "Good thing you didn't ride that dad!"

Well I actually hope Sonny is here to stay as long as his father.

:Runs for the door to ride Son of Beast:

To Ride Son of Beast? Or to Run from the tomatoes?

Jackson, who couldn't help it.

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I like the SOB! Yes, it is kinda rough if you sit back past the front couple of seats. Thats why when I ride it, I always ride in the front to second or third seat. Like The Beast, it's great riding it at night! :)

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