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The Beach TR


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Saturday May 16th: The Beach!

Ice cold water, nasty looking rain clouds, numerous "That's what she said" moments, and a stuffed moose! That about sums up mine and StalkerChick's day at The Beach. Neither of us had ever been to the park before, so it was a great experience that cannot be repeated soon enough!

My cell phone alarm woke me up at 9AM after only four hours of sleep. After a quick shower, I packed most of my water park necessities into my old backpack and left my house at about 10AM. I only live 30 minutes from The Beach/KI and I wasn't supposed to be at the park until 11AM, but due to it being yard sale weekend in Trenton and the fact that I would have to go through construction, I thought it best to leave a little bit ahead of time. Better to be early than to be late, right?

I arrived at the park right at 10:30. After paying for parking I pulled into a parking lot that was quite literally empty. I took a space in the far corner. As i'm waiting for Stalker to show up, the rain begins to come in. And that didn't bother me in the slightest, i'd much rather that the rain go ahead and run it's course before we got into the park. But the rain only lasted for like a half hour, and about the time it ended, Stalker pulled in to the space next to me with Wendys burgers (And their nasty coffee!) in hand.

For the first day in my life, I was trying to act like a gentleman, so I patiently waited while she had her breakfast/lunch. Once she was finished, we finally got to go into the park. After the admissions guy finally managed to get our tickets to scan properly (It's the first day of operation, so i'll cut the guy some slack) we got into the park. But not before he handed us a goodie bag/door prize including a stuffed moose which miss Stalker thought was just the coolest thing since sliced bread.

After getting changed into swimwear we set off on a quest to find the wave pool, which was where we intended to leave our bags for the day. My horrible sense of direction failed miserably, but fortunately she came through and managed to find it for us. After setting our bags and shoes on a nearby table we set off in search of water rides!

We decided that since neither of us knew our way around the park we would go to the lazy river first and get a feel for the place. Once we got there an employee went to grab inner tubes for us, and I waded out to get them. Stalker was slightly apprehensive about getting into the water because she knew it would be cold, and after roughly five minutes of her standing ankle-deep on one of the steps she got in. We paddled around the river for awhile, chatting about whatever. I heard plenty of Haunt stories, which is inevitable when hanging out with her ;)

After one trip around the river we got out and hit some of the slides. I didn't bother to get names for them, but we worked our way around the park in a counter-clockwise direction until we got back to the wave pool. She wanted to swim a few laps so I sat in there and treaded water while she swam back and forth a bit. After she was done, and after a quick potty break, I managed to talk her into riding The Cliff. She had been trying to avoid it because it made her uncomfortable for some reason, but it was the only thing we hadn't gotten on yet.

After listening to her complain about all the stairs on the way up there, as I had been doing for most of the day, we got to the start of the slide. I knew there was no way on earth that she'd think about going first, so I got on it and got ready to go down. It was a pretty cool slide. You get a good amount of airtime and the landing doesn't hurt quite as much as it does on other slides. As soon as I got to the pool at the bottom I got out as fast as I could, because I knew that the look on her face as she went down would be absolutely priceless, assuming she didn't chicken out on me. After about five minutes, she starts down the slide.

After she had gotten out of the pool I asked her how she liked it. The response was "It wasn't too bad." Which, when spoken by Stalker, translates to "I'm never riding it again." We decided that we would do a couple more laps around the lazy river just to relax a bit. Although relaxing wasn't an option. In between more Haunt stories (Rachel, do you EVER run out of those?!?) one of us was always bumping the other's tube around and trying to force each other into the unrealistically cold water spiggots. I believe we went around three times, and then got out and went back to the wave pool because the wave machine had finally started up for the first time all day.

We both played around in the waves for a little bit until we were both getting kind of tired. We got out and stretched out on the extremely uncomfortable plastic lawn chairs because the sun was finally starting to come out. Or so we thought. After laying down for about 10 minutes the rain started to pick back up, although it was barely drizzling. We decided to get up and go to the table we had left our stuff on because it had an umbrella on it. We had just barely sat down when we heard an announcement over the speakers advertising free cake for The Beach's 25th operating season. Neither of us could turn down free cake so we went and got some of that.

After eating our free cake, we decided it was time to put some real food in our bellies. We used the free coupon we had gotten in our goodie basket to get a hamburger to split, a bag of Fritos, and a Coke. We sat and talked as we ate, getting a good laugh out of the roosters/chickens that were in the park for some odd reason. By the time we were done eating our food the sun had done a pretty good job of drying us off and warming us up, and neither of us was in the mood to get back in the cold water after that, so we headed out to the parking lot at about 3PM.

We tried heading over to KI for the remainder of the day, but she couldn't get in because she didn't have the letter she needed to pick up one of her free passes from working the Haunt last season, so we left and headed out to the theater right opposite the Great Wolf Lodge. Surprisingly there was no debate on which movie we would see. We both agreed on Angels & Demons fairly quickly, which turned out to be an amazing movie. One of the very few sequels I will admit is actually better than the original. Very nice twist of plot near the end, and as usual, Tom Hanks did an amazing job :) My reccomendation: If you haven't seen it yet, close out your web browser and get to the nearest cinema!

After the movie it was time for her to go. We sat by our cars in the parking lot talking for awhile, but eventually she had to leave. I waved bye to her and started out towards Kings Island. I don't usually go to the park on Saturdays because the crowd is too large to make it fun, but I figured that since I was already there I may as well try to get a ride on Diamondback in. As soon as I got to the park I went back towards DB, and just as I got there the single rider line opened back up. I was on and off the ride in under 15 minutes. After that I went for a ride on The Beast (30-40 minute wait for the front seat). Once I got off that, I decided that I was ready to call it a day and started home.

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1.Stalker pulled in to the space next to me with Wendys burgers (And their nasty coffee!) in hand.

2. But not before he handed us a goodie bag/door prize including a stuffed moose which miss Stalker thought was just the coolest thing since sliced bread.

3. My horrible sense of direction failed miserably, but fortunately she came through and managed to find it for us.

4. Stalker was slightly apprehensive about getting into the water because she knew it would be cold, and after roughly five minutes of her standing ankle-deep on one of the steps she got in.

5. After she had gotten out of the pool I asked her how she liked it. The response was "It wasn't too bad." Which, when spoken by Stalker, translates to "I'm never riding it again." In between more Haunt stories (Rachel, do you EVER run out of those?!?)

6. Neither of us could turn down free cake so we went and got some of that.

7. We sat and talked as we ate, getting a good laugh out of the roosters/chickens that were in the park for some odd reason.

8. We both agreed on Angels & Demons fairly quickly, which turned out to be an amazing movie. One of the very few sequels I will admit is actually better than the original. Very nice twist of plot near the end, and as usual, Tom Hanks did an amazing job :) My reccomendation: If you haven't seen it yet, close out your web browser and get to the nearest cinema!

9. I was already there I may as well try to get a ride on Diamondback in. As soon as I got to the park I went back towards DB, and just as I got there the single rider line opened back up. I was on and off the ride in under 15 minutes. After that I went for a ride on The Beast (30-40 minute wait for the front seat). Once I got off that, I decided that I was ready to call it a day and started home.

ROFL!!! Didn't you give me crap when i said i was gonna put a TR up!? You forgot to mention the guy in the penguin costume that was totally hitting on me :P

so 1. ew coffee horrible

2. that moose was cool as heck and you know it! hahah

3. your a boy, your supposed to be bad at directions *giggles*

4. and it was NOT 5 minutes! lol and you splashed me brat!

5. See you are becoming fluent in me :)

5b. and no not really. i got stories you would actually never believe haha

6. Who doesn't love free cake! twice in one week! woot!

7. seriously?! what water park has random chickens/roosters just running around in it?! O.o

8. omg!! best movie i've seen in awhile!!!

9. yay you did get to go on db!! (you suck! lol)

10. don't forget me getting pulled over on the way home for supposedly riding the white edge line... *stupid mason cops* wtf >_<

oh... and i'm sunburnt?!? how does that happen!

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so 1. ew coffee horrible

2. that moose was cool as heck and you know it! hahah

3. your a boy, your supposed to be bad at directions *giggles*

4. and it was NOT 5 minutes! lol and you splashed me brat!

5. See you are becoming fluent in me :)

5b. and no not really. i got stories you would actually never believe haha

6. Who doesn't love free cake! twice in one week! woot!

7. seriously?! what water park has random chickens/roosters just running around in it?!

8. omg!! best movie i've seen in awhile!!!

9. yay you did get to go on db!! (you suck! lol)

10. don't forget me getting pulled over on the way home for supposedly riding the white edge line... *stupid mason cops* wtf >_<

oh... and i'm sunburnt?!? how does that happen!

I know I gave you crap when you mentioned a TR. That was so I could use my ninja skillz and beat you to it because mine are more detailed ;)

1. I don't drink coffee so I wouldn't know

2. I know the moose was cool, you just seemed to want it more than I did >.<

3. No argument.

4. Yes, it was :P And I didn't splash you until after we had gotten in.

5. I've been fluent in blonde for a long time :P

6. Free cake is amazing. They just over-iced this particular cake ;)

7. The Beach does, obviously.

8. Totally agreed!

9. Yeah, I was going to head home but I figured that since I was already out there I may as well ride it.

You got sunburnt? There was cloud cover nearly the whole time we were at the water park

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