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I know my brother and myself will be there! Come up and say HI. He'll be in a motorized scooter because of Multiple Sclerosis so we'll be easy to spot. LOL And feel free to ask questions, we're very involved in fighting the disease and enjoy educating others!

I'm thinking if Millennium Force is still down they'll substitute Mantis since it's nearby and it looks like they are trying to group the ERT's.


Hope to meet some of you there. Ride Warriors was my first event and I didn't meet anyone.

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Not sure why MS is something to "LOL" about, but hey, more props to you. I really hope they don't sub Mantis in for Millie. I'd rather just have more time on Maverick, Magnum, or TTD.

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I kind of doubt they'll sub Mantis because the rides chosen were based off voting on the Coastermania site. If Millie is still down they will probably add in whatever is next on the list. I also hope that holds true for your brother because he probably can't ride or has a hard time riding Mantis and it'd be sad for him to have to miss out!

Also, there is a thread in the KIC meetups forum with a roll call of who is going from KIC. I'd post the link but I'm using my phone so that makes it more difficult. You guys should have plenty of opportunities to meet up with people for sure!

Posted from the backless BlackBerry mobile device.

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He's been diagnosed for about 8 years now so we have gotten over the "shock" of it. He even has fun saying it gives him great parking. :lol: We're not happy about it but what can we do, other than fight for better drugs and research. He could do Mantis, he's able to walk still, just not very well and a long day in the parks requires his scooter. By the way, his disease is one reason he loves coasters, they allow him to be like everyone else for a few minutes. That's why I buy platinum passes and Ace memberships for Christmas.

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