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TR: Six Flags St. Louis / Worlds of Fun / Silver Dollar City - Day 2

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Our original intentions were to leave Six Flags St. Louis and drive about halfway to Des Moines, IA to hit up Adventureland. This is one small park that has eluded me for years and I'm determined to make it there!! Unfortunately, I partied a bit to hard the night before we left, got little sleep, flew out of Orlando at 7AM, drove 3 hours to St. Louis, spent 12 hours of marathoning on Boss and Knievel, so I was spent. We only made it about 80 miles out of St. Louis and found a motel in Hannibal, MO. The plan was to get up around 6AM and make the trek to Adventureland. We wanted to have a few hours there before we drove to WoF. We wanted to have at least 5 or 6 hours at WoF to soak in Prowler. Sadly, that 6AM wake up call just wasn't enough to get us out of bed so we ended up sleeping until 10AM. Not wanting to compromise any Prowler time, we decided to scrap Adventureland this trip and head on to Kansas City. What a mistake this would turn out to be.

I've been to Worlds of Fun several times now. I've always enjoyed the Park. Its small, but it never screamed Cedar Fair as it had a lot of charm left to it. Lots of trees and shady areas. Just a nice little Park. The coaster collection is pretty mediocre, I hadn't ridden Patriot before this visit. I always use to enjoy Orient Express and was sad to see it removed.

We arrived to the park around 230PM and decided that since we didn't spend the extra money to drive up and hit Adventureland we'd rent a cottage at Worlds of Fun Village. $119 for the cottage, which was actually quite nice. I think I'd prefer this set up at Cedar Point's Lighthouse Point, which offers some beautiful views and scenary. There is no such view or scenary at WoF.

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Oh, man...you missed out on one of my favorite parks in the entire country. You simply must ride the weirdo Hopkins steely, Dragon, there.... And the front of that park...no, I won't spoil it...just think Orlando. Sort of. In a weird sort of way.

And three woodies...all of them at least good, with Tornado being perhaps the most underrated wooden coaster in the USA.

Terpy, who has been to Adventureland in Iowa 5 times now, which is only about a thousand times too few

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