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The staute will indeed be used as an advertizement for the Tomb Raider stunt show....for the time being. But this staute is also a stepping stone for the park because they want to start featuring more movie props and displays throughout the park....this one will wind up being the first.

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OK, this is just guessing on my part...

First off, the current statue isn't out of place because it ties in with the TR stunt show

Plus, if they keep adding props throughout the park, it won't look as odd...

It sounds like they are really trying to be somewhere between Universal & Disney...a movie-themed family amusement park...I say, good for them!

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>>>Shman-Why would they put random movie props in places where they look out of place? That just doesn't make any sense.<<<

Haven't they been doing this since Paramount bought the Park? Like the movie props in the Paramount Story gardens.

Also, is the location of this statue where the floral clock used to be? I know that in this area around the tower there used to be a floral liberty bell, a floral date (the floral numbers were changed every day), the floral clock, and a floral basket across from where the taxis were. So the large vacant spots of the former locations of these large floral displays would seem the most logical place for pki to put something of interest. (although I do agree that the floral displays fit in better)


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Almost all the floral displays are still there. They did take out the hanging basket behind the Eiffel Tower and parked a mower there. The clock and date are still there, in their original locations. The statue is located to the right of the path behind the Eiffel Tower if you were facing the Floral Clock.

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