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SFGAm: Chicago's Form Of Disneyland

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Given many of the discussions here, I found this rather interesting:

...Food and drinks are more expensive in the park, and outside food and drink can’t be brought in. A way around this and to save money is to leave the park for lunch and/or dinner. Visitors can get a stamp or wristband that allows them to come back into the park after leaving to eat....


It's been my experience this year that Six Flags' food and drink prices have been somewhat less than most such prices at Cedar Fair. Still high, but not as high.

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Guest rcfreak339

SF food prices don't freak me out but there still high. I think you get what you pay for at SF parks. When I was in St.Louis my friend and I got a burger in a BBQ resturant, we got 2 burgers that had to be a pound and a half each along with a 3/4 pound of curly fries and 2 large soft drinks all for under 34 dollars. Don't get me wrong thats still very high but you get what you pay for.

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