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Calling All Lora Croft Look-A-Likes!


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Calling all Lara Croft look-a-likes!!

Come kick off the new spectacular Tomb Raider Stunt Show at Paramount Kings Island on July 15th and get a chance to win two tickets, airfare, and accommodations to the Hollywood premiere of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life!

Here's two ways you can have the chance to see the real Lara Croft at the premiere:

1.Email us at laracroft@paramountparks.com and send us a picture of yourself as Lara Croft, your name, email address, daytime phone number, and date of birth.

2.Mail us your name, address, daytime phone number, date of birth, and a picture of yourself as Lara Croft to: Paramount's Kings Island, Lara Croft Look-a-Like Contest, Attn: Marketing Department, P.O. Box 901, Kings Island, OH 45034.

The Lara Croft look-a-likes will be chosen randomly and will be contacted within three days of the contest. Look-a-likes will participate in the contest by dressing up like Lara Croft, and appearing on stage at Paramount's Kings Island theme park in Cincinnati, OH on July 15th during the morning. The look-a-like Lara Crofts will be evaluated based on their costume, resemblance to the character, and stage presence.

One lucky look-a-alike will get to go to the Hollywood for the premiere of Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. Runner-up prizes include Lara Croft t-shirts and tickets to the park. Entries via email and mail must be received by July 11th, 2003.

Download the rules HERE.

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I got the same e-mail today and laughed. First off, I am a man and sure as hell don't look like Laura Croft. Second, my wife is a different race than Laura Croft, so she surely doesn't resemble her either. Neither do any of my 3 cats. So, no one in my family can win that contest.

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