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Cedar Point September 20 - Sunday?

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My marching band is going to Cedar Point that day ( We perform at 10AM), and since it is a Sunday, won't the lines be pretty short? I know that's how it is at KI. I just want to know what to expect, if I'll be able to get most everything in in the 8 hours that we'll have. I know I at least want to ride Millie, Magnum, Raptor, Mantis, Mean Streak and maybe Dragster, even though to me it's not that great of a ride. I especially want to get a few rides on Millie, and maybe Magnum if I like it.

Also, I'm in the Lakota East Marching Band, so if you would like to see us go to Cedar Point that day! :P



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Guest rcfreak339

PointBuzz.com says that Sunday is the least crowded of the days. You will be fine! You will have enough time to do every coaster at least once and some major thrill rides (MaxAir, Skyhawk, ect..) Have fun! Trust me Dragster is incredible. Although people say its a one trick pony I find it to be an awesome experience every time I get on it! The launch is just something you have never experienced.....like a out of body feeling its really hard to describe it.

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I always loved this pic!


I'm sure I'll ride it if the line isn't horrible. I DO like the view when you're up there. It just makes me mad that Kingda Ka goes just a few feet higher just to break the record. At least we don't have OTSR's!

Well, this is AWESOME! I can't wait! And marching band is just the BEST!

Thanks everyone!

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