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PDA in the park


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OMG..Thats so wrong..Lol..Reading that makes me want my picture took by the photogra people AlOT more then going into those booths.And I have known of people going out to thier cars and doin' stuff.Which see..I have a very mixed veiw on that because..Sure its at the park but you are in the car alone..But your still at the park..But nonetheless..These people are probably the most extremly embarassed people right now for getting caught.I have felt alot of guilt because just knowning what I did but I dont think i could handle getting caught.lol

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I read at the time that they got fined and community service time...that they had been so cooperative they felt bad giving them any sentence, but of course they couldn't let anybody get away with that kind of stuff - and these weren't teenagers. That was one of those things I found so unbelievably stupid it was funny. Ah, the importance of self-respect.

My only gripe is, why do they show those same videos - a couple years ago it was the half-naked Ricky and Christina (yuck!) and this year it was the Santana/Michelle Branch with all the people making out video - over and over, and over, and over, and OVER - if they don't want people to make out?

Seems contradictory to me.

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I don't understand why people get all upset about people even making out in rides like Phantom Theater and Scooby Doo. Although these are "kiddie" rides (arguably so for PT), it's very difficult to see guests in the other cars. I don't understand why they would have to stop the ride for something like that. It seems so obnoxious. As for people making out in queues, I think it's okay for someone to politely ask them to stop. However, when you want to embarass them as a way to make them stop, I think that's wrong. I think some people that come to the park come in with a mindset that they need to maintain a good family park, etc. etc. etc.. Well, then, talk to Guest Relations or a Security Guard. Most of the time the reprimanders are more annoying than the reprimandees. *Climbs down from soapbox*

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