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Weak Season at Playland (Rye) Fuels Debate Over Park

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The only traditional US amusement park run by a government had a weak season, fueling more debate about the park's future. A very interesting perspective on pay one price vs. pay per ride is on page two of the article.

A short quote from page 1:

...But Spano and park officials may want to forget this summer as a slumping economy, coupled with lots of rain and mostly cool temperatures in June and July, meant Playland didn't get the attendance numbers or revenues it had hoped.

"It was a discouraging summer," said Joe Stout, commissioner of the county's Parks and Recreation Department. "The weather clearly put a damper on the season. There's no outdoor business that can sustain that and make the budget."

Because the park - a National Historic Landmark built in the 1920s - was closed 35 percent of the time because of poor weather this season, Stout expected attendance to be far below the 807,475 that came in 2008.

That means the goal of having park revenues cover its roughly $16 million operating budget won't be reached....


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  • 1 year later...

Just read about this park possibly closing on Wikipedia, I was considering this park for my next big amusement park trip probably in 2012, I hope this doesn't happen because I think it looks like a neat old park with a few indoor rides/attractions.

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