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The Beasts 25th Anniversary


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I don`t think they`ll add on to The Beast. It`s hard to believe that next season will be the 25th anniversary of it. It seems like just yesterday that they were celebrating its 20th anniversary and anouncing its Son. I still find it amazing that it holds the record for world`s longest wooden coaster. Hopefully they`ll update the 20th anniversary stuff thats hanging in the station.

Jeff Siebert did say a lot of stuff on the Boomerang Bay Tour today. He did say that there will be a special line of Beast merchandise commemerating The Beast`s 25.

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When I asked Jeff about what they would do for the aniversary he said it would most likely be some sort of event type thing for the enthusiasts. Basically after years of tooting aniversaries for other things, it shows the general public doesn't really care too much. So, nothing new will be added to the ride (minus some tracking changes, maybe some brake adjustments with that)

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I imagine that they will update the paraphernalia in the station - at least I HOPE they do. It does seem hard to imagine that it is already 25 years old and the length record for woodies has YET to be broken. Something else CoasterRZ made me realize...SOB is already almost 5 years old. Time sure flies...

Edited by fryler87
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Actually, Son of Beast will be four years old this season. However, it will be in its fifth year of operation (weird how that works). When the park was celebrating The Beast`s 20th anniversary back in `99 was when they made the anoucnement that they were building SoB in the Action Zone. Wouldn`t it be weired if they anounced yet another coaster in conjunction with yet another of The Beast`s anniversarys. Hummm. Makes one wander about that anouncement in March even more.

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Jeff Siebert on the Boomerang Bay tour said that there would be a forthcoming anouncement in or aqround March of 2004 but he wouldn`t divulge any specifics like if the anouncement would be for a new ride or a new park feature. So I guess we`ll have to wait and see whats in store for 2004!

Edited by CoasterRZ
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  Coaster-King said:
They could add a loop or add on.


Yea...just quoting you i think gets my point across.... becuase if i tried to express in my own words what i'm feeling, someone would definitley delete my post bcuase it would be downright obscene and it would ridicule your intelligence to the fullest of my ability.

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