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Kings Island 2010 Ride Downtime


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Backlot Stunt Coaster uses the same technology, and it appears to be more temperamental on Backlot than on Flight of Fear (or perhaps because Backlot has three launches to contend with as opposed to one).[/quote]

~Bolded for emphasis~

Last time I checked, I thought we had two launches on Back Lot?

Rides are machines, that are very unpredictable, you very well could wake up and go to the park tomorrow, and every major ride is closed down, or adversly, you could wake up, and find that all the rides are open. To complain that the rides have all kinds of downtime this year is a bit over kill. To say every time I went to the park one or two rides were closed, may be true, however, nothing in the world can say something will be open every day it is suposed to be. Every Time I have went to the park the rides have been open and working well, save SOB.

Cobra, throwing in his cents, no make that nickels!

PS. Terpy, that was a funny but scary accident you noted, It would have been really bad if someone were in the truck or wrose, in the train :unsure:

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Why is it on FH you have to get a locker. Is there a reason they do not have cubbies? For me, I always have a bag with me and sometimes by myself so I must pay 2 bucks to ride it. It is not worth 2 bucks to me for the fact the wait times and chances are it will break down before I get to ride. :(

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Ride capacity for Firehawk is really bad... Taking your bags across the train would lower it even more. As for Flight of Fear where would they take your bags?

the same place as before Kings Island installed Firehawk.

and longlivekingcobra, backlot has three launches; the launch at the start of the ride, the launch at the helicopter scene, and a launch as you are "busting through the billboard"

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There is a launch, as was said, just as you burst out the billboard. It's not necessarily noticeable, but it gives the train an extra boost. Notice that the LIM motors on either side of the launch are the same as the apparatus inside the billboard.




Flight of Fear always allowed riders to leave bags with attendants. Do they not do that anymore? Like Tomb Raider: The Ride, there is a sign at the exit pointing towards a "Rendezvous Point" (not given that name on Flight of Fear) where you can pick up your bag. Is that not the case anymore?

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^ That does not mean it is factual.

So what is your proof, that it feels slow right there?

Can you get more official than the technical data sheet from Paramount Canada's Wonderland?

The train accelerates out of the warehouse into a dark subway tunnel. Sweeping side to side, the train dives downwards and upwards through a series of surf curves. With a sudden burst of acceleration, the cars crash through a billboard sign and swoop below a bridge into an aqueduct splash down water feature that creates a large blast of spray.


"The ride catapults guests using linear induction motors at rapid speeds up to 40 mph. With the three peels out, and an 88 degree banked turn, these cars will earn guests a speeding ticket if they are not careful."


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which as we know, could be very true. I don't know why they would need the launch there because it already has plenty of speed to make it over that hill and down into the aquaduct.

I think it's the same as the sub-woofers and the flames - it's all for effect. Like, there are breaks right after the little bunny hop where the splashdown used to be located. So there's no actual need for a boost there, except to give a feeling of "exploding" from the billboard. That being said, it's possible that it's turned off, or rarely used. But it is there. I personally believe that it's used, and just not very noticeable. I'm not saying it's a 20 mph boost, just maybe a quick "oomph" to get you going.

LIMs are unique in that, the more you have, the faster you go. Unlike a cable system or an air system, you can decide exactly how fast you want the train to go based on how many LIMs you install. So the initial launch may have thirty (fifteen on each side of the track) and get you going 40 miles per hour. How many are there on the straightaway coming out of the billboard? Maybe six (three on each side). Certainly nothing to write home about, but it gives the train a little zing to push it out of the billboard. One thing is for sure - it's not a brake.

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^^to give the feeling of "flooring it" to make your car go "airborne" and splash into an aqueduct. :)

whether you believe it or not, there are lim's lining the exit of the billboard, why would they spend that much money on placing them there, then never use them?

edit: goodyellowkorn beat me.

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From the park's official POV video at

a screencap:


There are two on each side. Recall that LIMs work like magnets - the attract the train and then repel it forward. Adding two LIM repulsions to a train that's already going 25 miles per hour will not make an overtly noticable "launch." It will, however, speed the train up a little bit and provide said feelings of "bursting" forward.

Why don't we settle this with the 5@5... Oh, wait... Speaking of operations...

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The point is, the ride has three launch sections. It has been shown and proven. Your argument was first that it was a brake, and then that there was nothing but track. Now it has been shown that the launch section exists, and your argument has shifted that they "just don't turn it on."

Alright. I've said my piece and proven what I needed to prove. Do what you will with the information you've been given.

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Goodyellowkorn182 is correct, there are 3 launches on BLSC and I should know. The last one is located just before the cars go through the bilboard. It is meant to give on lookers on the bridge the illusion that the car is busting through. It is also used as an extra precaution to be sure the train doesn't valley in the tunnel because it would be very difficult to evacuate guests from a valleyed train in that tunnel

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