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Great American Cookie Sales Stagnant, Starting Sampling

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Very, very interesting article about Great American Cookie Company...since I see their product as much an experience as food, and since visitors to the site may want to see this, it's posted here instead of off-topic:


Now, an industry related question. Why does not Cedar Fair offer this grade of cookies in the parks? Six Flags does, at SFOG, among other places, and people happily line up to pay two to four dollars a cookie. The smell of freshly baked cookies permeates the park on cooler days, and makes the place a happier place. No, they aren't Great American Cookies, but they are of very similar quality, at very similar prices, and are almost certainly a very high profit item for the park...much more so than the commonly seen fudge. And before someone says, how would YOU know...I worked in the restaurant industry for years...

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Now, an industry related question. Why does not Cedar Fair offer this grade of cookies in the parks?

Why? Well, at least at KI, someone thought that the wonderful old Bakery would be the perfect spot for a Starbucks, a place which can be found in abundance outside the park. Now the wonderful cookies, delectable brownies topped with icing and either a Hershey Kiss or mini Reese's Cup, ginormous elephant ears, nice iced donuts and huge pecan rolls & cinnamon rolls (of the non-Cinnabon variety) that once graced that spot on International Street have been replaced by... biscotti? (sorry, I'm not a fan of biscotti at all, or any of the other pastries that Starbucks offers for that matter. I will however take a Venti Chai Tea Frappuccino!).

Gator, who long ago worked in La Patisserie Francaise on International Street for his first job, way back in 1989... before some of you were even born...

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